My tween, teen and I have been having fun this week. Sometimes I just love summer. It’s a nice break from the hustle and bustle of the school year. With our break going on we’ve been enjoying some board game time. Our new favorite was shipped to us a few weeks back. It’s the Blast Box game from Zing. We heard about it at TTPM when we went to New York. Thanks to Blast Box for sponsoring this post. It is actually a really fun game. Let’s look at our Blast Box review.
Blast Box game is it fun for the teens and tweens too?
My kids loved it! Here’s how you play it. You blow up the same amount of balloons as players. Then you tuck them into the box. You download the blast box app that lets you answer trivia. When you get the answer right you get to hammer a nail into the box. If a balloon pops that person is out. It’s the game of cringing (if you’re old like me…ha!). But the kids were all over this game. Here’s them blowing up the balloons using the inflator that came in the box.
Once the balloons are in the box you spin the spinner. Then you should have already downloaded the Blast Box app to your smart phone so you can do the trivia aspect of it. Then if you get it right you hammer that nail.
Just search Blast Box on android or IOS. I believe that even the youngest kids will enjoy this game. The fun of hammering that nail in and then bracing yourself to see if you hit the balloon or not! My kids loved it. We will be playing this at our once a week game night for sure. This is such a great game for the teens and tweens set.
Would you like to win a Blast Box game? Why not enter below and see what the fun is all about!
Blast Box is available on Amazon and and it’s great for ages 4 and up. It retails for $19.99 at most locations. Why not follow them on their social media?
Well what are you waiting for? Enter below for a chance to win one for your family.
Our favorite game to play together is Rumy!
We love scrabble
I like playing cranium.
Kids love Uno and adults Gin Rummy
We love to play Scrabble or Yahtzee.
We usually like to play a card game called Phase 10. It’s a lot of fun and keeps the kids thinking.
sleeping queens
We love to play Trouble
We love the game Headbandz it’s so fun we always get a good chuckle
We love to play UNO!
My family’s favorite game to play together is Uno.
We enjoy Boom Boom Balloon, Monopoly and Uno.
I would say Sorry is our favorite game.
Monopoly or any video game
Uno and Monoply
We like all kinds of games
We like connect 4
The Uno card game!
We love to play Yahtzee together!
we love playing Clue and Uno together
We love to play charades the most. It is always good for great laughs.
We love the settlers of catan
Monopoly has always been my favorite.
My daughter likes to play monopoly. She genuinely beats me most of the time. She’d cut throat/
We love playing Monopoly
we really enjoy playing monopoly together.
We like Monopoly.
We play Crocodile Dentist.
Our favorite game is Connect Four.
lately we have been playing Candy Land
Apples to Apples!
We like to play Sorry.
We enjoy playing Scrabble
We love to play catch right now. My daughter loves being outside!
We like to play Uno.
Everyone really enjoys playing uno. Plus it’s easy enough for the little ones to play.
We like Sorry and we also like Uno.
My husband and son play chess the most.
We love to play monopoly with the grandkids
We love to play Pie Face. The kids think it is so funny.
We like just about any game but we love Apples to Apples!
Sorry is our fav game
My family’s favorite game to play together is Scrabble.
We like to play Clue.
We like Monopoly.
Simpsons Trivia is a lot of fun.
My boys are loving Connect 4 and yathzee right now!
Right now everyone is interested in playing UNO!
We like to play monopoly!
My daughter likes to play crazy 8s!