We are Celebrating SpongeBob’s 25th Anniversary and the Release of Two New DVD Collections SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS ANOTHER 100 EPISODES & THE BEST 300 EPISODES EVER with a Special Craft! It is one that the kids will love. So let’s make it a fun night and try the craft out while watching an episode. We are…
3 FREE Earth Day Printables For Kids!
3 FREE Earth Day Printables For Kids! Earth Day is on Friday, April 22nd this year, and it’s a holiday I always try to celebrate with my kids. Taking care of our earth is something that is not only important, it’s necessary. We want to make sure we leave a beautiful planet for the next…
Free Printable: Mother’s Day Cards
Mother’s Day free printable cards Happy Mother‘s Day! It’s so important for us to recognize the most important people in our life. Thinking of them even when it’s not their day is a great way to make them feel special. I love it when my kids draw me a picture or simply pick me…
Garden Journal Printable Pack Free month by month planner for your garden
I love to plan my garden. It’s February and snowy right now so there’s nothing more fun than to be planning my garden. I have some great free printables for you to use as you plan your garden. This includes: Seed Tracker Plant Planner Soil Testing Record Garden Expenses Harvest Log Seed Saving Log Monthly…
200+ Thanksgiving Crafts, Printables, Games for Kids Pinterest Round Up
I found tons of great Thanksgiving crafts that you can do with your kids for Thanksgiving weekend. It’s so much fun to keep them busy. It just makes the weekend go by so much faster when they are occupied and having fun. Hope you can find a craft that you’ll want to do with your…