If you’ve not bought a lemon I’m sure you know someone who has. Growing up in the 70’s we bought a lemon of a car. There were no lemon laws back then to protect us. Once sold a lemon you had to have it fixed or just deal with it or resell it to someone…
5 Ways to Prevent Bankruptcy while keeping you financially fit.
Bankruptcy is devastating to any family. You can overcome it though and come out stronger because of your journey. Remember to check your state’s laws and make sure you get a good bankruptcy attorney. If you filed for bankruptcy California’s law will be much different from Tennessee’s law. Your attorney will be able to tell…
Cheap and Easy Ways to Organize your Bills
There are so many cheap and easy ways to organize your bills. You do not need some elaborate system that costs you $9.95 per month. You really just need a spiral notebook, some envelopes, a calendar, writing utensils and your online bank account. Here’s what you can do. 1. Use a calendar to write…
What kind of insurance does a family need?
As a family we have all kind of insurance. We have to have car insurance. My home is insured. I have health insurance that costs more than my house note and pays less than zero. Nice, right? It’s hard to know what kinds of insurance you must have. You should always have long term disability…
Tips to keep you safe when shopping online.
Online shopping makes my life easier. Even with shipping a lot of times it is cheaper to order an item and have it shipped to my home. Online shopping is my favorite way to purchase Christmas and birthday presents. As a busy mom of 3 it is too hard to comparison shop like I’d like…
It’s so much cooler to shop online.
It is one of my favorite activities. I love that I can shop for deals at 3 a.m. when I can’t sleep. I love it more when I can shop at nomorerack for deals. This site has some crazy good prices. They have cameras, purses, and shoes. You can also find electronics and a sweet outfit…
Online Penny Auctions are moving in!
Move over Ebay, there’s something better moving into the neighborhood! The new penny auction sites have a booming business in this economy. The recession has hit us all hard. So, if I can purchase something for pennies of what I would have paid for it, then why not? I’d be crazy to pass that up,…
Be careful with your credit this holiday season!
Identity theft is on the rise. Identity theft protection is a good thing when you are using debit or credit cards. You can never be too careful. One late December after the holidays we had our credit card company call us to determine if we had put $2500 worth of luggage on our credit card….
Seniors make sure you take care of your insurance
As a senior it is your responsibility to make sure your needs are taken care of should you pass away. Leaving it up to your family can be a terrible burden when they are already going through a troubling time. Make sure you have burial insurance so this isn’t a burden to your sweet loved…
Do You Need A Bankruptcy Attorney?
Not everyone who files bankruptcy just spent money wildly and went out of control. There are situations, like my friend’s, where they had a horrible year long medical crisis and now have no choice but to file bankruptcy to deal with the terrible aftereffects. Health crisis’s are often a large proportion of people who file…
Mom’s Can Go To Business School!
As a mom, so often we put ourselves last. It’s important for us to take care of our families. Once those sweet children are all in school why not make time to take care of yourself. What is it that you’ve always wanted to do? Go back to school! Further that education with the masters…
Sandwich generation
Going to a meeting this week on dealing with being in the sandwich generation. It means taking care of children and taking care of parents at the same time. Hopefully I’ll get a few tips. I need it! Dealing with cancer while taking care of children at the same time can be very hard and…