This is a sponsored post from Blue Light Kids. The opinions in this post are honest and my own. My kids have been learning virtually all year. I, as a mom, honestly have loved it. I love having my kids home and I love having them learning. It has made for some nice and easy…
The Top 25 Places To Visit When In Nashville
The Top 25 Places To Visit When In Nashville So you are thinking of visiting Music City huh? Let me be the first to say welcome to my great city! Here in Nashville we are known for our great food, great music, and our southern charm, and we will be sure not to disappoint. Whether you are…
20 Things You Thought You Needed in Your Kitchen, But Don’t! How to declutter your kitchen.
20 Things You Thought You Needed in Your Kitchen, But Don’t! Now I know there is still snow on the ground in a lot of places, but we really are 1/2 way to spring ya’ll! Before we know it we will see blue skies again and watch the grass come back to life. Spring time…
Tips for Distance Learning (while keeping your sanity!)
Tips for Distance Learning (while keeping your sanity!) We all know that 2020 was a hard year for so many, and only a few weeks into 2021, it doesn’t look like it’s letting up anytime soon. I know many parents, like me, decided (or their district decided for them) that distance learning was the way…
Dog Training Basics: The Beginner’s Guide to Training Your Dog
Dog Training Basics: The Beginner’s Guide to Training Your Dog Many dog owners dream of having a well-behaved pooch to love. It’s not just a pipe dream. We can both love our puppies and teach them a few tricks to keep them in check as well. Perhaps you’d like to entertain friends and family with…
How to Know When You’ve Landed in the Wrong Career Path
How to Know When You’ve Landed in the Wrong Career Path As the years go by, it can be easy to become complacent with the job you have found yourself in. By extension, it is often assumed that the career path said job is in is also the best choice for you. Most people do…
Proven Benefits of Early Intervention on Low-Income Children’s Cognitive Skills and Academic
Proven Benefits of Early Intervention on Low-Income Children’s Cognitive Skills and Academic How Early Intervention Can Improve Low-Income Children’s Cognitive Skills and Academic Children’s early years are critical and contribute significantly to what they become in the future. The childhood stage lays a foundation for the behavior, cognitive skills, physical health, and regulatory capacities or…
Five Tourist Routes That Will Be Popular in 2020
Five Tourist Routes That Will Be Popular in 2020 Discover the Top 5 Tourist Routes for 2020 Do you love traveling or simply want to know new places and cultures? Then, this guide is for you. We will present to you five remarkable destinations that will be popular in 2020. So, if you’re asking what…
The top new homeschooling programs for elementary age to help you get through this time
I don’t know about you but I don’t remember signing up to homeschool through a pandemic. 😛 But here we are. As a teacher I know I can do it and do a good job. But the right programs help so much. Here’s a teachers guide to the top new homeschooling programs to help you…
How to get farm fresh fruits and veggies delivered to your door!
When Farmbox Direct reached out and asked me to be an affiliate I said send me a box and I’ll see. One of the reasons I do that is I want to make sure that I am using what I am recommending and that yes it is indeed a good value and that they…
Ways to get groceries to your home during a pandemic that do not charge a fee
I know that this post is probably late in coming however it’s very relevant. I thought I would share how I have been getting groceries delivered to my home or just by using pick up at the local stores. A pandemic is a serious threat and we, as a family, take that threat seriously. If…
The Top Daily Health Tips Every Adult Should Follow
Health and wellness is at the forefront of everyone’s minds these days. However, it can often seem like to be absolutely healthy, you have to be very rich or have a great deal of time to spend on yourself. This isn’t the case at all, though. The truth is, it is quite simple to…
What to get that new puppy in your life!
So my other blog is where I actually make my money now. It’s all about puppies over there. During this pandemic my Goldendoodles site has been selling out of our sweet puppies. They are selling as fast as they are being born. The crazy thing is when this pandemic started I actually worried that my…
Do you have wedding regrets
Do you have anything you did at your wedding that you wish you might have done differently? I loved my small wedding. But I’m such a laid back person that I wish I could do things a bit differently. I didn’t love my dress. At. All. But I wore it. I didn’t have a bridal…