For most of my life, coffee was my nemesis. Despite the enthusiastic praise it received from friends and family, I simply couldn’t find anything to like about it. The bitterness, the strong aroma—everything about it seemed to clash with my taste buds. As a super taster, my heightened sensitivity to flavors often makes enjoying popular foods and beverages a challenge. Coffee, with its deep, robust bitterness, was no exception.
I often found myself wondering how do I make the Brown Sugar Shaken Iced Coffee Recipe with Brown sugar simple syrup recipe?
Brown sugar shaken iced coffee recipe
- 2 tsp instant coffee (I like Nescafe)
- 6 oz cold water
- 1/8 c favorite creamer
- 2 tbsp brown sugar shaken syrup
- 1 c favorite milk (almond, oat, 2%)
- Add 6 oz of cold water. Next add 2 tsp of instant coffee. Then add your favorite creamer. Next add milk and finally add 2 tbsp of your brown sugar shaken syrup.
This most definitly is my new favorite drink. It’s so yummy.
Here’s how you make my brown sugar syrup recipe.
Brown Sugar Syrup Recipe
- 1 c filtered water
- 1 c light brown sugar
- 4 tsp vanilla (pure not imitation)
- 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
- To your sauce pan add 1c water and 1 c light brown sugar. Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly. When sugar is dissolved and mixture is smooth and consistent remove from heat. Add in vanilla and cinnamon and stir. Let sit until cooled (about 20 minutes). Then pour into heat proof container (I used a canning jar). Store in the fridge for up to two weeks (if it lasts that long).
Let’s not forget some other coffee recipes you may want to try. Check out my favorite iced coffee recipe for super tasters. Here’s a fun coffee sugar scrub recipe for you to try as skin care! Why not make your own homemade mocha recipe to keep you drinking some yummy cheaper beverages at home. French vanilla coffee creamer recipe for you to make at home is here too. Last but not least if you are crafty as well as caffeinated you can make these coffee filter crafts for you and the kids.
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