This post is sponsored by Sivan Social. All comments and opinions are my own.
The fun of summer is fast replaced with the anticipation of being united with your new class of students. As a teacher, when it’s time to set your classroom up it’s a given we will be spending our own money to get that room together. Check out this study on how much teachers spend on their room and their students each year. It’s not just school decor it’s books, storage, games, and more. This money comes out of our own pocket. We have families and kids that we need to spend money on but we will spend it on your child each and every day without giving it another thought. Teachers are so selfless and they are always doing for others. Why don’t we do something nice for them? Just a simple thank you card with a $20 gift card to her favorite teacher store would help and she would remember you and your child forever! She’s using it on your child as well as the rest of the class! When you are grabbing those school supplies she needs us to remember her as well!
Want to do something else nice for them? Nominate your favorite teacher to win $500 towards their classroom! This way they can keep their money and spend their winnings on their precious students. When I was reading through the study I wasn’t shocked to see that teachers usually spend their own money outfitting their classrooms, they shell out an average of $19 per student, while their schools budget about $11 per student. That means teachers are spending nearly double per student than schools are to cover the cost of supplies and other items that fall outside the school’s budget. Double per student…the teachers are spending twice as much as the districts are. Not really surprising. Sad though. I see teachers all the time searching marketplace sites to get the books they need for the year for their class. What a great way to try to get those books inexpensively. The Great Teacher GiveBack is for our hard working teachers. So share this post with them this way they can even nominate themself! Who doesn’t want to be nominated to win $500 to spend on their classroom! Everyone wins! Don’t forget to share this with any teachers you know.
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