My 7 tips for Crochet Beginners!
If there is one thing that the past year of quarantine has taught me, it’s that having a hobby is important! Sure it’s all well and good to scroll social media and catch up on (almost everything) on Netflix but sometimes you have got to give your eyes a break from staring at a screen all day. I had tried learning how to crochet when I was younger, but I just didn’t have the patience to sit down and stick with it. This year a lot of us had nothing but time to learn something new so I took full advantage and finally learned how! And as far as hobbies go, crochet is inexpensive (although I will admit..I can’t walk into a craft store without coming out with at least 3 new skeins of yarn, HA!) and super calming to do, once you get the hang of it.
Now that I have gotten pretty good at crochet I thought I would share some of the tips I have learned along the way that made learning a little easier, and faster with all of you! Let’s check them out:
Here are My 7 tips for Crochet Beginners!
1. Start with the basics! You know the old saying that you have to walk before you learn to run? I found that this was absolutely the case when it comes to crochet. Instead of trying to jump into a project (no matter how simple it may seem) I highly suggest practicing different types of stiches first. I found this book in my moms craft supplies and spent a few days just making rows of different stitches until I was comfortable with them. After that it was off to start my first project!
2. Find the tools that work for YOU! While first shopping for supplies when I made the decision to start learning to crochet I was amazed at all the different types of crochet hooks out there. Seriously they are made out of everything. Metal, bamboo, plastic, silicone, etc. While they all get the job done, I have found that people are fiercely loyal to the type that they like the best. Personally, the silicone is the way to go! I have kind of weak hands and that material really helped me grip the hooks. I suggest buying a few different types to see which ones you like best, and when you find what you really like, buy the whole set of them!
3. One word…YOUTUBE. You guys, youtube is the best for almost everything. There are so many amazing content creators that have thousands of videos to teach you how to do almost anything. I was having SO much trouble with trying to create a magic circle, and no matter how many books I read I just couldn’t visualize it. I happened to find a video that broke it down into baby steps and I was able to get it in about 30 minutes! I was so stoked. Youtube is the way to go if you are a visual person like I am for sure.
4. Practice makes perfect! I have found that when making a project that sometimes, they don’t turn out like they are supposed to. And sometimes you end up having to stop and restart a whole project. The fingerless gloves above I had to restart FOUR times! But I got them, and you will too! And instead of being upset about having to restart them, I took it as an opportunity to practice my skills more and more. Always be positive! The best thing that can happen from a failed project is the chance to practice.
5. Learn about the different types of yarn- When I first started crochet I just bought whatever yarn I thought was pretty and used it for whatever project I wanted to work on. Sometimes, that will work out just fine, most of the time it won’t. The weight of your yarn matters when it comes to a project, the type of yarn matters! I bought the yarn above which is a scrubby type of yarn simply because of the color. I quickly learned that this type of yarn is amazing for washcloths and…not much else. It would have look really silly as a scarf, right?
6. Don’t force it. When I first start in crochet I wanted to do it ALL DAY long. My hands hurt, I was getting annoyed when a row wasn’t perfect, and it started to take a little of the fun out of it. I was working on a pattern called the “2 hour beanie”, and let me tell you, there is no way a beginner was finishing that beanie in under 2 hours. So I felt like I was “failing” when it took me much longer. So I rushed my stitches, I wasn’t having a good time, and it didn’t end up looking good when I was done. I took a short break and went back to do it without any expectations of how long it would take and it turned out SO much better. Also, having a furry crochet buddy always helps.
7. Have Fun! Hobbies are supposed to be a fun way to pass the time! It’s not meant to be stressful. Is your project not working out? Take a break! Can’t find the exact color you wanted for a project? Be flexible and choose another one! Your project didn’t turn out exactly like the picture? That’s because with anything handmade, it’s going to look like YOU made it! Take a breath, relax your shoulders, and just enjoy your craft.
What tip would you give someone beginning crochet? Leave them for me in the comments!
Check out our other crochet posts below!
- DIY Clay Crochet Hook Project
- Free Beginner Leg Warmer post
- Beginner Friendly Mickey Mouse Crochet coasters
- Easy DIY Crochet Wasp Nest Decoy
- Best Places to find Crochet Patterns
- Beginner Friendly Wind Spinner Project
- Crochet Moon Pillow Pattern
- Beginner Bunny Butt Coaster free pattern
Before you go like us on youtube, Facebook and follow us on Pinterest. Then check out our other Valentine’s Day crafts, recipes and more!
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