I get asked this question all the time! First of all it’s not as hard as people make it out to be. Just follow these easy steps and you’ll be blogging in now time!
How do you start a mom blog?
Step one: Pick a domain name. My domain name (well, I mean I have a lot) but for this case it’s https://myunentitledlife.com You can do that with godaddy or another service like that. Think of picking a domain name by narrowing down your niche. Who are you writing for or to? Are you a mom blogger? Are you wanting to talk just about cats? Having a narrowed niche will help you build credibility and make sure that you have an audience. When I did My UnEntitled Life it was because I was a mom and this was about my life. I am getting older now and this title still applies to me. So take something you know you will be able to write about and pick a name for that. I have bought a lot of domains in my day and the domain name is the place to start. Get a good one and get it right! It is one of the most important decisions you will make. But don’t agonize over it. If you’re not sure of the name ask a few friends. What do you think I am passionate about? Or ask yourself what could I give a speech on for 15 minutes and not stop. Write about that!
Step two: find a place to host it. I host mine over at Betty Lou Hosting. I love that she gets back to me and does the customer service. She looks into things right away and takes my worries seriously. She’s awesome. This is where your site will live on her servers.
Step three: Utilize the tools you have on your WordPress.org blog (do not use wordpress.com) and make your site. You can do it yourself or pay someone else. It’s up to you! It can be simple or complex. You decide! There are tons of YouTube tutorials for how to get your site set up. Check out this set your blog up YouTube video I found that is good!
Step four: Start writing content. Write good content. Research it and make sure you are answering a question that a reader might ask. Then get that post up and published. Make sure it has at least 3 pictures and is about 900 words. Write good SEO on it as well. I will go into that more later! 900 words sound like a lot but once you get going you will find things that need to be covered. So just make sure you do your research so you know you have enough to talk about!
Starting a mom blog is a great way to Bring in a little extra money to your home!
Using WordPress.org means that you have access to a lot of plugins that will help you get your site going faster. Make sure you do things like install: google analytics, akismet to catch the spam, and wordfence to keep the attacks down. You can do all this usually by YouTubing a video to figure it out! It won’t take too long. I promise.
Before you go check out my how to start your blog in under an hour. It has great tips to get you up and going quickly. Then head over to how to make money blogging and see what we do that brings money in to our home. I use this as one of my income streams. It’s not the main one. But it’s so nice to blog and bring in money as you want to or can.
Don’t forget to promote your blog posts. Share it to all the social media sites. You can use social warfare plugins to show all your social media buttons. It’s a great one to use! Grab Social Warfare here to use on your site!
Don’t worry about getting ads on there right away. Focus for now on getting traffic to your blog and getting the search engines to take notice of your articles. Then set up your ads. I’d say once you have ten or so articles start by putting google Adsense on your site if that’s all you can do at first. Get those on and then try for Ezoic. It has such a great payout but you have to get established first!
What do you think you should write about on your blog?
Make sure you follow us on our Facebook page, instagram and twitter to find out all the diy’s, crafts and recipes we share! Before you go check out my articles on Why do you blog, Where do I get my paid posts for my blog, and how do I make money from my blog! Then get started and let’s watch you on your journey!
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