Thanks to Disney for partnering with me on this post.
Last month when I was invited on that all expense paid trip to cover the Solo premiere we also got to take a look at the Wrinkle in Time dvd release which is coming up so very soon. So why not check out my interview with Deric McCabe from a Wrinkle In Time.
Q : What was your favorite location for filming to go to?
DERIC MCCABE : Oh, New Zealand.
Q : How did you get into that character?
DERIC MCCABE : it was easy, which is weird but it was easy because their surroundings made it a lot better because all the times that I’m me, I’m in a bad place.
Q : I’d like to know, are you homeschooled?
DERIC MCCABE : I go to regular school.
Q : What are some of your favorite memories from filming?
DERIC MCCABE : Memory. Oh, the hallway seen. The stuntmen were pulling them and they couldn’t see because they couldn’t be in the shot so I stopped and they kept going and I fell on top of all three of them.
Q : Did they get that on film?
DERIC MCCABE : On DVD. So, get the DVD everyone.
Q : Was there ever a moment when you felt frustrated where you said I need help with this part?
Q : You were always confident all the way through?
DERIC MCCABE : Yeah, yeah, I mean, that’s what I do.
Q : Did your friends see the movie and what did they think of it?
DERIC MCCABE : Yeah, they saw it and they just had a lot of questions like, how did you get a giant flying cabbage? How did you get – what happened? And I told them everything.
Q : You have an amazing personality.
DERIC MCCABE : Oh, I know, right.
Q : I know. I’m assuming that came through at your interview. How did you get this part?
DERIC MCCABE : They called me and so then I went there and then I was nervous and then they called me back and then I went there in a different scene and then I went back super nervous. And then I went back and back and back and back and back.
Q : So, it was a long process.
Q : Are you excited you did it? Do you still interact with Storm?
DERIC MCCABE : I haven’t seen her since the premiere.
Q : Do you have siblings and what is your relationship with them?
DERIC MCCABE : I have a baby brother. I tell him that Hulk is bad. No, this is the reason. I have a crush on Scarlett Johansson. And Hulk and Scarlett Johansson just did a movie and I said Hulk, bad, Scarlett Johansson, good. He’s two. And then I have a sister whose 12 and she’s pretty nice with new people.
Q : Who are your other acting heroes?
DERIC MCCABE : Okay, so I said Scarlett Johansson and Chloe Bennett. Just them. You know, they are delightful. You know, I haven’t met them. They are hot and they love me even though they don’t know me. So, that’s one thing.
Q : What was something you learned in making this movie?
DERIC MCCABE : Oh, I learned the place where they keep their snacks. It’s called Krafty and it’s delicious.
Q : What was your favorite snack?
DERIC MCCABE : Oh, candy. Oh, and the popcorn maker. Do you want to know why?
Q : Why?
DERIC MCCABE : The first time I met Oprah they make this a really good popcorn and they make butter on it and put some cheddar on it and we were doing stunt practice for the cave, and they said it down on a mat and then it wasn’t her turn yet. It was Storm, Levi and I’s turn and she just started eating my popcorn. And she was like, who’s popcorn is this? This is delicious. I’m like oh, that’s me. Oprah’s eating my popcorn.
Q : Did she give you any insights into your career?
DERIC MCCABE : She did say, there’s more to come after the movie. And I’m there sobbing on the floor. No, there’s not. My life is over.
Q : Do you have any advice for kids who want to get started in acting?
DERIC MCCABE : Oh, when you don’t get any jobs, keep the faith. Yeah, I think that’s good.
Q : What is your biggest goal, wish ever that you have for your career?
DERIC MCCABE : My biggest wish. Probably to work with Scarlett Johansson. Just to work with them, that would be amazing. Especially because they’re always superheroes and I want to be a superhero.
Q : What would be your superpower?
DERIC MCCABE : Oh, I have no idea. I just know that I want to work with them.
Q : Which superhero would you choose to be?
DERIC MCCABE : I want to create my own. I don’t want to be another superhero. But I do want to be part of the Avengers. That would be great.
Q : You said you were super nervous and the audition process. What helped you get through that?
DERIC MCCABE : What helped me? My parents. They did because they were like, don’t worry. They may call you back. They’re going to call you back. And then the time where Ava called me, my mom was like oh, here, it’s for you. And I was like, okay. Hello, not thinking it was going to be Ava, and she’s like hi. And I was like who are you? She’s like, oh, I’m Ava, the one that was doing the auditions. I was like wow, hello. She was like – she was like oh, I was wondering if you would like to work with me on A Wrinkle in Time. And I was like, yes. That would be great.
Q : Do you have any upcoming projects you are working on?
Q : You’re going to keep trying?
Q : What was the hardest scene for you to film?
DERIC MCCABE : The end scene. It’s a little brain. That was disgusting. And I had to cry in it so that was hard. And Ava was like, Ava was like okay, we’re going to do this. And the brain was super sticky. So, it kept sticking to my back. So, I was like thinking of something to try. And the wardrobe person comes up and says hey, you have something in your back. Can you stand up and get it? And I’m like, oh, God, I was just in the middle of almost crying.
This will just take a second. Five minutes later, hey, you have stuff on your back. We don’t want that in the scene. Can I have it? I was just about to cry. Yeah, that was hard.
Q : How did you teach yourself how to cry?
DERIC MCCABE : Thinking of my baby brother that was hurt, injured.
Q : Did someone teach you that technique?
DERIC MCCABE : I did have an acting coach. John, I love you. I had an acting coach that was on set with me every day.
Q : What is your favorite course in school?
Q : Aside from lunch.
Q : What do you like to do in your spare time?
Q : Anything else?
DERIC MCCABE : I like to do cartwheels just cartwheel, cartwheel, cartwheel, cartwheel. I mean, I can demonstrate. [And he did a cartwheel]. This kid is going places!
Q : How important was it to you to be a part of this film being part Filipino and Ava wanting a lot of diversity?
DERIC MCCABE : It was really important. Not only that, but it was really important to me in the film because not only am I Filipino but this is my first big role. And I did, oh, yes, nodding heads, that’s great. It was my first big role that I’ve done so, that was really important to me.
Q : Have you done any school plays?
DERIC MCCABE : I did a few holiday shows but it was mandatory.
Q : Mandatory at school?
DERIC MCCABE : Mandatory for elementary school. So, they don’t have like, sign up. It’s all mandatory even if you don’t want to do it.
Q : Do you think it helped you at all?
DERIC MCCABE : No, because it wasn’t really a show. It was just you had to sing something from Willy Wonka. It wasn’t really a show. It was just like [HUMMING], over.
Q : Do you remember the moment when you knew you wanted to be an actor?
DERIC MCCABE : This is going to sound really silly. But I was watching the Avengers with my dad. Hi. I was watching the Avengers with my dad and I just saw Scarlett Johansson and I was like oh, I want to do that. And I was like, and I’m going to meet her. So, then I was like, I think I want to do acting. So, they put me into acting and now here I am talking to all you mommy bloggers.
Q : What were your experiences with Mindy and Reese?
DERIC MCCABE : Oh, yes, that was a good question. Mindy, I loved her because, but I didn’t love her only because – only because I couldn’t talk to her. You want to know why?
Q : Why?
DERIC MCCABE : Because she’s always speaking quotes. I couldn’t hear her real words. I was like hey how’s it going? And she’s like blah, blah, blah, American. But it was only for the scene. But I did actually talk to her. We had some very good conversations.
And then with Reese, that was amazing. She always gave me hugs on set and during the it was a really long scene. So, we had a–, they always cut and we’d all just start talking and talking and talking. And then we film the scene. Cut. Talking and talking. Yeah. Anyone else?
Q : What was your favorite scene of the movie.
DERIC MCCABE : My favorite scene was the cabbage preacher what’s-it scene where she’s just flying. We actually got to be in a robot arm. It’s just this arm colored blue and just juggles me. And then Levi got to do flips and Storm was in a harness. So that was cool.
Q : Word you get your positivity from?
DERIC MCCABE : Oh, my dad. I get that from my dad.
Now check out the in home release of A Wrinkle in Time.
When you buy the dvd/bluray you get to go behind the scenes to meet the talented crafts persons, actors and filmmakers who brought to life every spectacular detail of this triumphant tale. Bonus material includes an extended featurette providing inside access to the A-list cast and crew; insightful audio commentary from director Ava DuVernay and team; deleted scenes; bloopers; and two music videos, including “I Believe” performed by GRAMMY®-nominated music mogul DJ Khaled and featuring GRAMMY®-nominated singer-songwriter Demi Lovato. What are you waiting for? Go get it now! I can wait until you get back.
You can see my free Wrinkle in Time printables here.
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The dvd releases with the BluRay on June 5. So go get your copy today. Did you read a Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle?
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