I was invited on an all expense paid trip to cover Solo and PeterPan for my blog. All opinions are my own.
We have so much fun when we go on the Disney lot. It’s amazing to think of the things that we get access too. For instance on our trip for Solo we were privy to see Walt Disney’s private office, 3H. It has been lovingly restored with the items that were recorded and stored at the Archives.
When you walked into the office you were first signed in at his secretary’s area. Then if allowed in she brought you in to Walt’s office area. If you were really special they then allowed you into Walt’s private office (pic above) where he had a kitchen at the push of a button. His office looked just like an office until he pushed that button and the wall disappeared and the kitchen appeared.
It was often stocked with chili, spam and jello. His favorite foods. Walt often forgot to eat so his secretary would ring a bell and remind him to go to lunch. There were so many touches that we were able to see.
Here’s his wall rendition of what DisneyLand would look like. It sat above his couch.
And we can’t forget where the Sherman brothers wrote most of the music for Walt’s movies. It was on this piano right in his office.
Learning about Walt Disney’s office and staff was amazing. It was definitely a highlight for this Disney fan.
Another reason we were there was to help promote the 65th anniversary of Peter Pan releasing on BluRay and dvd. So in honor of this the Publicist thought it would be a blast for us to do an Amazing Race style scavenger hunt all over the Disney lot. It was so much fun…and exhausting. But we had a blast. Check out our photos as we raced around looking for pixie dust, Peter Pan Shadows and so much more!
This is where we found our wings and our Peter Pan hat and we put them on and struck our best Peter Pan pose!
Then we raced over and found where Pluto’s Corner is and his favorite spot!
One of the most fun things to do was to recreate this picture. Haha! Look at us.
We did all this to celebrate the release of Peter Pan for it’s 65th anniversary edition BluRay and DVD release! See more below!
We will also celebrate the 65th anniversary of Peter Pan! How exciting is that? 65 years! Peter Pan flies onto Digital May 29 and Blu-ray June 5. I will be getting this one for the family! See the fun below in the Peter Pan trailer.
Who else needs to run out and get Peter Pan as soon as it’s released?
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