During the all expense paid event I attended last week, we were able to screen a new episode of the brand new ABC Tuesday night comedy THE MAYOR (aires at 9:30/8:30c) AND meet with 2 of the shows stars Bernard David Jones (“Jermaine Leforge”) and Marcel Spears (“T.K. Clifton”). They were so fun to interview! Their personalities really shine! We had a blast interviewing them. Here’s 5 reasons the Mayor is for families!
Why is the Mayor good for families?
Marcel and Bernard both agreed that they have a passion for bringing families together to watch good wholesome shows. This show has a different style family then mom, dad, 2 kids. It has single mom, son and son’s friend. Which is a great example of how different families are in this world. How many of us feel like we raise and love other people’s children as well? We all do this right. It takes a community to raise a child and that’s what this show reveals to us.
They told us how It’s amazing that they feel as artists, it’s kind of their duty, their job to be able to hold a mirror up to our country, our world and say, this is what’s going on. How do we fix it? What can we do to fix it? And I think our show is an awesome representation of what happens when somebody that has a heart for people, that understands community and unity, leads with love. They lead with love and show an example of what communities can be. This show is for families of all kinds.
Bernard David Jones said, “What the creator and executive producer (Jeremy Bronson) did was create these characters that grown ups can laugh at. “
I love that the boys feel you can catch the grown up jokes and then the kids can look and aspire to be those guys. Then when they watch it again later they will have grown up more and catch some of the grown up jokes. It’s a family show that grows with the family.
HE MAYOR – ABC’s “The Mayor” stars Bernard David Jones as Jermaine Leforge. (Photo credit: ABC/Bob D’Amico)
Marcel on working with the women on his show had this to say.
The thing I like about our show, or our cast, it’s a family. We have fun on set and the cool thing is the women are the pros in the situation, so…we make sure we look out for our girls, but they are bosses. Like, the women on this show are bosses.
On do they connect to any certain episodes that they’ve already shot?
Marcel said: “For me, the episode that I connected to, that we’ve shot already, dealt with the boys having some sort of conflict and it just shows that even in the best friendships, or families, there may be times when you just don’t agree or you don’t like the way people handle things or you end up in a situation that’s not conducive to your friendship and you have to figure out a way to still love that person, but check them at the same time.”
Bernard on why this show works for families.
And I love also just to piggy back on that, the family aspect of our show. You normally see mom, dad, two kids and it’s great, you know, but that’s not the family unit on our show. Our family unit is a woman who had a child young, but she didn’t just raise him. She kind of raised two other guys and so what does that look like in a community?
These young have so much wisdom. And kudos to them for showing what we know in our communities. We know people like that, but how much does America know, so I think that’s been one of the blessings and the pleasures and the honor of doing this show is to show black men doing something positive, uplifting each other and then the family unit being slightly different.
It was great to hear them talk about taking ownership of where you live. Whether it’s being a part of the town council, picking up trash or more. If there’s something going in your neighborhood that you want to change, take leadership. Take ownership of your community, so I think it’s a great opportunity to be able to be some type of maybe a catalyst for mobility or, in your communities for some type of change. That’s another great reason to watch this show and understand that we are the community.
These were some of the nicest young men. They did a great job with our interview and we enjoyed them. I hope he enjoyed our questions. Thank you Bernard and Marcel.
Follow the Mayor on Social Media.
THE MAYOR (Tuesdays at 9:30/8:30c on ABC)
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BERNARD DAVID JONES (“Jermaine Leforge”)
MARCEL SPEARS (“T.K. Clifton”)
Love the 5 reasons…it is a great show.
I loved their answers to you! They are great guys!
I need to start watching this! It looks and sounds like a great show!