Some of my favorite memories are working at a preschool and teaching them so many things. We did these Sensory bags a lot with the really young ones. They love to touch and explore using their 5 senses so why not make one for you and your kids? Here’s how I made my I Spy Fall Sensory bag for preschoolers.
I Spy Fall Sensory Bag
● 1 Gallon Ziploc bag
● Large bottle of clear hair gel
● Red and yellow food coloring
● Fabric fall colored leaves
● Craft foam leaves
● Small craft pumpkin
● Small pinecones
● Acorns
● Fall colored fake berries
● Fall colored craft pom poms
● Gold sequins
● White dry beans
● Packing tape
I Spy Fall Sensory Bag Instructions:
1. Fill a one gallon Ziploc bag with one large bottle of hair gel. You can find these at the
Dollar Tree for only a dollar.
2. Add 3 drops of red food coloring and 3 drops of yellow food coloring.
3. Close the Ziploc bag and mix the food coloring together with the gel to form an
orange color.
4. Add in the fall-themed items to your Ziploc bag. You can find all of these items at a
local craft store such as Michaels. Add the sequins last and be sure to sprinkle them
around the bag so they don’t clump up.
5. Get as much air out of the Ziploc bag as possible and seal it tightly closed.
6. Use packing tape to further seal the top of the bag and prevent leaks.
7. Let your little one enjoy the I Spy Fall Sensory Bag while trying to find the items on
the worksheet. Have them circle each item as it is found. Parents can help little ones who may be too small to make circles on their own.
How fun are these bags? I know kids of all ages would have fun putting together and making this sensory bag and then using the worksheet to find the items in the bag. See my worksheet below and feel free to right click and print it out today!
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