It’s hard to believe that my kids start back to school next week. Not only that but I start a new job next week. I’m so excited to start my new job and see my kids off to their new school years. One starts at the high school and the other continues at her middle school. It’s the starting of a brand new day at our house. So with that I needed to set a schedule for us to follow this new school year. Here’s our new schedule we set for this school year.
How we set our schedule for this new school year
Here’s a look at our new schedule for me with my new job and the kids as they go back to school. To start with the night before we will set out our clothes and make sure we have our lunches made. Then my middle schooler will go to bed at 9am and our high schooler will go to bed at 10 pm. All electronics are returned to the kitchen by their bedtime the night of.
Then I set an alarm for 5 am. I plan on doing a 15 minute hard youtube workout and then get ready for my day. I have dogs to let out, animals to feed and kids who want to eat too. On Sunday I make my breakfasts for the week. This week I made egg cups and sausage biscuits for the entire week. The kids shouldn’t complain about not having breakfast to eat. I’ve also set out my food that will be cooked for the week. I’m making roast in the crockpot. I will also be cooking fried pork chops one night, spaghetti and big salad one night and even hamburgers. I figure we will eat leftovers a few nights as well. We’ve also cooked our chicken for salads this week and made tuna salad as well. We are set for food for now.
Will I be able to keep this up I hope so. I also have to blog on the weekend and schedule my shares for the week. I’m super excited to see what is coming and can’t wait to begin my new job. I will be busy but since my kids are older I’m kind of ready to not be in the four walls of my house anymore. I’m so thankful for my time at home. But let’s get to work and school for the week.
How is your day/week scheduled for when you go back to school.
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