This post is written by me on behalf of Poise Impressa. All opinions are entirely my own. This shop has been compensated by Acorn Influence, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.
Living your best life is all about living life on your own terms. It’s about doing what you want to do and letting nothing hold you back. There’s so many things in life that can hold us back. But it’s time for us to rise up and not let them. Here’s my tips for making sure you know how to live your best life.
How to live your best life at home
Living your best life is about living in the moment. Don’t get bogged down with needing to make sure everything is picture perfect. Just be in the moment of your life. It’s not about who takes the best pictures for Instagram. It’s about, are you there for the moments that count? Being present in your own life is the only way to live it!
To live your best life it is also helpful to set boundaries. Boundaries teach others how to treat you. For instance, you have a friend that wants to talk on the phone for 3 hours a day. You can simply say I’m sorry but I only have time for a quick text these days as I’m trying to make sure I do my job, be with my kids, make them dinner and everything else a mom does during the day. Setting boundaries is a great way to get your life back and do what it is that you want to do. Delete the things in your life you do not want to do.
How to live your best life at work
To be present in your life you may need to set goals. Setting goals is a great way to measure how you’ve grown and changed that year. Set goals for short term and long term. My short term goals at work are that I want to understand the process at my job. I’m currently learning it and it has a learning curve but it’s all starting to make sense now. My long term goal is to understand all we do at work so that I can understand my part of my job. I work in a pretty technical place and I need to make sense of what goes on to understand my part in the process. It’s a long term goal because it will take a awhile to understand all that takes place there. Setting goals is a great way to live your best life.
How to live your best life in your own skin
Living your best life in your own skin means being able to go and do all you want to do. It means joining that gym so you can do crossfit. It means getting up early so you can get to that gym before work. I’m one of those people that has the desire to get my stuff done early so that when I go home I can enjoy just being at home. Sometimes as women we let things hold us back from working out and living our best life.
It may be because as a woman some of us at times are experiencing light bladder leakage. Poise ® Impressa ® Sizing Kit is a great way to find out what to do to live pad free. Just head to your local Walmart and grab your sizing kit and your Poise ® Impressa ®. Here’s where I found mine at my local Walmart. It was in the feminine aisle close to where the Pharmacy is.
If you’re not sure which size you are the sizing kit helps. Then you can grab the Poise ® and get your life back. These are so helpful in helping you do what you want to do. I love that they stop leaks from happening. It allows you to do whatever it is that you want to do. From swimming to working out these are a great item to keep on hand. We’ve got a great deal on these items for you. You can grab an Ibotta coupon for the Poise sizing kit and then again for the Poise ® Impressa ® Bladder Supports too. The sizing kit gives you $2.50 back and on the Poise ® Impressa ® Bladder Supports you get $4.00 back. I’m going to download the Ibotta app and begin to take advantage of things I already buy anyway. So, I just did and immediately got my $2.50 and $4.00 back. What a deal!
To live your best life simply means doing whatever it is that you want to do. Shouldn’t we all be happy doing what it is that we love. What is it that you want to most focus on? Is it family? Work? Friends? Live your best life and get back into doing the things you love.
If using Poise helps a person get out and get going and living life once again. What a wonderful product. If it brings confidence it works.
Great advice. Setting goals is important. There is a great sense of achievement when we reach them
I’d love to jump into that pool…it looks so relaxing and refreshing.
I really need to get these. After having food kids the flood gates have opened more than once.
I think setting goals and boundaries are so important. I am really bad about over extending myself and then getting frustrated.
Lots of great ideas here. I’d say living in the moment and unplugging are two of my favorites.
I often feel like I’m not doing all the things that I want to do. Mostly out of fear. I really need to change that.
I want to live more of my best life. i think taking small steps would be key. I will try some of these.
I’ve heard really good things about these – how it can help prevent rather than address symptoms. More options for women is ALWAYS better!
Setting goals and dreams is very important. Taking small steps in life would be a path to success.
I’m going to have to learn to set boundaries because I do have some friends that need to know I have a life too, lol. I have been using Poise for my issues and love how well they work.
I love Poise. It makes it so I can do things that would otherwise be a problem. LBL can suck, especially when trying to be active. Great pic!
Really great advice. Setting goals is very important but I try to live day by day and enjoy every minute in my life.