Restonic partnered with us to bring you these tips. This post is written by me and has my own opinions and experiences.
My kids went back to school this week. It’s been a transition for them as well as me. Sometimes in life you have to remember that a schedule is the best when it’s followed properly to ensure adequate sleep. Sleep is so important. Because of that I thought I’d share my 7 tips to ensure your kids get a restful nights sleep so they’re prepared for school.
7 Tips to Ensure your kids get a restful nights sleep
Start their schedule the week before
When you have kids you know the week they start back to school is rough. However if you start the week before and get them into their routine so they go to bed on time and get up at the same time they need to for school. We have done this for years. It’s very helpful to go ahead and set them up the week before. This way they’re not as cranky and tired the week of school!
No electronics at night
We also do things like take away their electronics after dinner. This way they are keeping close connections with their family. Spending time with family is more relaxing then having them on their electronics. It also gives their brain a time to quiet down.
Keep a set routine.
We do this by having them do the same thing every night. Such as take a shower., hen brush your teeth and then we have story time. When they know what to expect the night time routine goes so much nicer.
Give them choices
Let your child have a say in what they wear to bed. Let them choose between 2 pajama sets to get them in the bed faster. This way they’re happy with what they are sleeping in.
Allow your child to choose their pillow and blanket. Maybe do this ahead of time so we’re not doing it at the last minute. Then when it’s time to hit the hay they go on to their bed in the pj’s they picked out with their favorite blanket.
Keep lights low
Always keep the lights low. When my kids were smaller we had dimmers on the lights. Then we moved them to nightlights and then to no lights at all. It’s all a process to get them sleeping well and without any problems.
I always try to get them to do as much as they can the night before school. So if they can pack their lunch them let them pack it right after dinner and before bath. Then have them pick out their clothes for the next day as well. This way they can maybe sleep in a bit later when it’s time to rise for school. More sleep for kids is always good.
You may be wondering why a set bedtime and good rest is important for children. I’ve got answers for you. What is the importance of sleep on children’s learning “Sleep directly affects a child’s cognitive development. The human brain is a work in progress through age 21. Children of all ages should be given every opportunity to reach their full potential with sufficient sleep.” Terry Cralle, RN, MS, Certified Clinical Sleep Educator from the Better Sleep Council
Better sleep is always better for the child and their mom and dad. We love them always but when they are well rested and not cranky everyone is happy. What sleep tips do you do with your kids? What could I add? Leave me a comment! .
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Start school shopping early, and enjoy the rest of the summer together!
A special note in their bookbag is a great surprise and a good breakfast is so important.
Well, my niece & nephews come here after school because Mom & Dad are at work, so I try to have something for them to snack on, to brighten up their day, lol. After all, they’re bummed by going back to school. I try to help them relax and start on homework.
Get started as soon as possible!!
Buy school supplies on the tax free weekend if your state has it.
Make bedtime 15 minutes earlier every night until you get to the desired bedtime for school nights.
Get their sleep routine back on schedule
Study hard and life will be ready for you and vice versa.
Start School shopping early so you aren’t stressed out the last week of summer!
Start getting on a sleep schedule at least a week early, Plus start reviewing school subjects so you’re prepared for the new year
Before buying any electronics items for your kids, check with the school to make sure you are getting what the school is going to require.
Back to school tip for me is to go and meet teachers within first week if possible.
I know it is so difficult to not get those few extra minutes of sleep, but honestly, the best thing to do is wake up just a few minutes earlier. Having the extra time is the key to making sure you get out the door with enough time so you aren’t rushing the kids and yelling. It makes the morning so much more stress free and smooth.
Shop early and thoroughly. Waiting to the last minute is stressful.
I like to shop for my daughter’s BTS clothes at the outlet malls in Birch Run, MI. We get a ton of great deals.
My tip is to prepare the night before. Get clothes out to wear, have backpack ready and in the car and if you pack lunches, have them ready as well. It really helps us
I need
Start prepping the kids routine early.
As a new step father I am learning as I go. Apparently you shouldnt give them red bull at 9 pm. Who knew
We pre-plan our meals each week.
Shop early
I love shopping early hitting up great discounts and deals and making a budget helps
Kids are seeing healthier school foods this year! Encourage your kids to try them!
try to have packed lunch the day before
We have a family command center to keep on top of activities, appointments, permission slips, etc.
Homeschool LOL
We make sure the backpacks are packed the night before and sitting by the front door. I also lay out clothes.
My tip is to have healthy, easy to pack snacks available before school starts.
Lay out clothes and backpacks and pack lunches the night berfore
Meal prep really helps!!
ease into getting up early again
Plan ahead. Make grab and go snacks and lunches on Sunday that kids can pick from each day.
Start shopping and preparing a little at a time. I start after July4th
Getting done with everything early/ahead of schedule. It alleviates so much anxiety. From school supplies to getting ready in the mornings.
Shopping online for school helps cut down stress.
Get your back to school clothes early!
Pack their luch the night before. Also I have my Son pick out his school clothes the night before.
My tip is to find another student in the neighborhood with whom your kid can walk to school or ride on the bus.
Go to bed early! It’s awful getting up in the morning having had too little sleep. 🙁
Keep a closet filled with school supplies that are purchased when they are on sale. It makes back to school and all school year easier.
get the kids on a sleep schedule the week before school starts back
We like to get back into the school bedtime routine a week or two before school starts to make the adjustment easier.
My best BTS tip is to set out a weeks worth of outfits on Sunday so there’s no worrying about what to wear for the entire week!
Lay everything out the night before so the mornings are as stress free as possible.
My best back to school tip is to have the kids practice going to bed, getting up early, and practice getting ready like a normal school day, at least a coupe weeks in advance!
Read to and with your children every day year round.
I always coordinate our BTS shopping with tax free weekend. A lot of states have them and here I save 10% automatically by just avoiding sales tax!
Get lots of sleep and get organized the night before not in the morning when you are running around trying to get everyone out the door on time
Shop for school supplies at the beginning of summer
Lay everything out the night before so that mornings are less stressful.
A good mattress is the best way to start the day and to end the day.
My best tip is start conditioning the kids a week or two before school starts. Strict bedtimes!
Make sure to go to Open House to meet thenew teacher
Take photos of outfit combos so that your kids know what to put together. You can even choose the outfits for each week on the weekend and stack them in a drawer – include everything needed.
Get everything prepared the night before, so there is no rushing in the morning.
No phones, electronics at the dinner table or during homework time. It seems to keep our kids focused on their work and actually learning what they need to.
We school shop months in advance as best we can 🙂
School shop early in the summer to get things super cheap, use coupons and make sure you have tons of loose paper and pens to get through the year!
Quiet activities right before bed to calm them down
Make arrangements to take your child to school, a week or two before school starts, to meet the teacher, get a layout of the class and the class schedule. It will help ease the child’s first day jitters.
Best Tip….Remind them how strong they are and that they can accomplish everything they truly put their mind to try. The end result may not be as good as another or it may be much better. But as long as you did your very best you will have succeeded. Don’t let fear control your life.
About two weeks before school starts get back into a normal sleeping schedule.
I don’t think your ever really prepared for back to school time. I had one kid in high school and one in elementary and each had a list a mile long.
Take shower and baths in the evening and get to sleep by 8 p.m.
Start getting you kids to bed and up earlier a week before school starts. This will make the transition easier.
Make sure everything is ready 1-2 days before school starts so you don’t forget anything
I wouldn’t over-sweat or over-think going back to school.
Buy school supplies early on Amazon since it’s cheaper with more selection and get started early!
do prepwork for the kids on sundays, it helps a ton during the week.
my best tip is to get in routine about 2 wekks before school starts
Start a sleep schedule early. This helps with getting up early each morning.
My best tip is to keep a schedule!
check the clearance racks before buying at retail prices
Early bedtime 2-3 days before school starts to get them into habit!
Going to sleep early definitely helps out around here!
I also ease my kids into their new school/sleep pattern.
Pack lunches the night before! Saved me needless stress in the morning!
Shop early
Start the new schedule 2 weeks ahead of time!
Homework on friday! Leaves the whole weekend open without rushing sunday night.
We started early bedtimes a week before school started.
Start making bedtimes earlier about 2 weeks before school starts. Helps them ease into back to school time
Start shopping early and have a list.
Take each day one at a time.
Get back into a good bedtime routine.
I feel the best tip is to give our kids support. They need our support when entering a new school, or school year. Of course, they also need us all year long.
I always make sure all the clothes, supplies, notes signed, lunch money, homework checked, etc….are all laid out for in the morning. It saves a a bunch of time trying to find all that stuff in the morning, and saves me a lot of trips to the school because someone forgot something !!
Be sure to start adhering to an earlier bed time weeks before school starts. helps with grouchy kids in the early morning.
I work on my kids schedules ahead of time so they aren’t so tired on the first day of school. Helps the transition.
Starting to adjust bedtime a week before school starts
Spend a few minutes on Sunday to get some lunchbox items ready for the coming week. Setting them out in the pantry for each school day so they are ready to grab and pack each morning.
It’s a great idea to get kids into their school routines early so that they are refreshed on their first day. I also like the idea of spending one day per week prepping breakfasts and lunches, so that during the week we can just grab and go.
when it’s time to go back to school get prepared in advance so you can relax when the actual time comes.
Have a bedtime routine.
Buy when your needed school supplys go on sale and in bulk.
Prepare as much as you can the night before, so the mornings are less hectic!
have everything prepared the night before so you wont have to rush before school.
Lay everything out the night before!
Stay on a schedule
My tip is make a list before you go shopping.
Shop for supplies year-round instead of all at once when it’s likely to feel more stressful
It sounds mundane, but a clean house helps my daily schedule, and therefore, my kids daily schedule. Just keep it picked up…
Make sure you have everything you need weeks earlier than you think you need to.
Prepare ahead of time!!
Take advantage of sales, online shopping when possible, etc. to ease the preparation necessary.
Set 3 alarms
white noise helps i know its weird but even a vacuum running in the background seems to help idk why?
Try to pick their clothes out the day before, to help avoid rushing or being late, but make sure they help. That way they don’t argue and fight about what is picked out (ok, argue and fight less often).
Look for sales year round and stock up on things you know you’re going to need.
Scented markers rule!
Pack the food the night before.
Get the kids ready to the schedule before the first day of school.
I am lucky my kids just naturally go to bed at 9, gives me quiet time at night.
Have an open mind.
I would say go shopping for back to school early to avoid the crowds.
I would suggest packing up the backpack and lunchbox the night before.
Get lots of exercise, and go to bed on a regular schedule.
Get extra sleep because you and your kids will definitely need it!
Stock up for the whole year during sales.
We start buying lots of healthy snacks for them for after school snacking. Their sleep and eating patterns get changed a bit.
batch cook on weekends for after school food! Children can eat!
Shop online & use coupons!
My tip is start early with the sleep schedule
I always shopped throughout the summer for clearance deals so I wasn’t going crazy last minute school shopping
Always stay organized and keep everything labeled.
Get all the shopping done early to beat the crowds and about a week before school starts stat getting everyone up early to get everyone in routine.
Start sleep training for school hours early!
Create a check list for your kids of things to do the night before a school day i.e. lay out clothes for the next day, pack your homework/books into their backpacks, etc.
I try to get everything the night before. Backpacks packed by the door, clothes laid out by their bed etc
Come in early on school nights, take their baths, eat, homework, help me get the clothes they want to wear the next day. and go to bed early.
My best tip is to have fun with it all. Enjoy your kids!
Get plenty of sleep!
check sales before you go out and stick to a list.
Start the school bedtimes at least 2 weeks before school starts.
Thanks for the contest.
I recommend taking interesting electives. I always loved the science class the most of all subjects in school.