The siding on my back deck was so bad. It was disgusting. I didn’t want to go buy another product so I set about to make a cleaning solution from what I already had on hand. I have used vinegar, water and baking soda to unclog drains so I thought why not let it get rid of the mold and mildew on my siding. I made a liquid and used a brush and it seriously came right off. It was so easy. Check out my diy vinyl cleaning solution recipe and get your vinyl clean this summer!
That before and after picture says it all. Am I right? It didn’t require too much work either. So now for the recipe.
DIY Vinyl Siding Cleaner Recipe
- baking soda
- vinegar
- warm water
- container
- Add 2 cups warm water to a container. To that add 1 cup of vinegar. Then carefully sprinkle 1 tbs of baking soda in it. I did this a little bit at a time as it will completely foam up and over if you're not careful.
Look at how dirty that door is!
DIY Vinyl Siding Cleaner recipe Ingredients
Baking soda
warm water
I had a small area to do. I used 2 cups of warm water and 1 cup of vinegar. Once this was mixed together I slowly added 1 tbs of baking soda. I did a little bit at a time because when you add baking soda and vinegar then it will foam up and overflow over the container. So do a bit at a time. It’s a great oxidizing recipe to clean your siding. I promise. Rinse this off when you’re done. It’s best to not let the solution dry on the vinyl. So rinse as soon as your done. I loved my results and am so pleased I didn’t have to buy another product or use something harsh.
Do you have a vinyl area that needs cleaned? Have you thought about making your own solution to clean it? Why not try my recipe! If you need to do a whole house here’s a recipe that makes a big batch. Make sure you check out my other diy recipes. I have a diy laundry detergent, diy dishwasher detergent, diy deodorant, diy air freshener, diy shaving cream, diy lotion, diy lotion bars, and a diy vanilla goatsmilk soap recipe. Don’t forget to follow me on facebook and pinterest for more diy fun!
Steven Shapread
I clean my vinyl siding every year with a mix of one third each,water,bleach and mean green. I use a pump sprayer to put it on. I let it stay on for about ten minutes and rinse off with a garden hose.Looks like new.
where is your recipe to make a large amount? Enough to do an entire house, please.