Mother’s Day is this coming Sunday. Are you ready? I’m just now getting prepared. I found some quick and easy Mother’s Day cards you can print at home and I’ll show you how! Let’s check out how to make a quick and easy Mother’s Day card so you can be prepared!
I’m a#HPSmartMom and was given the printer and paper so I can make cool gifts to share.
So grab the HP photo paper wherever photo paper is sold. You can get it here on Amazon or at Staples, etc. Then you just go to either the HP cards app in the Apple or Google Play store or just head over to this HP site and get ready to get started. I just grabbed a this frame. I think this was a Father’s Day frame but you can easily click on the words and change them.
Then I sent some photos from my phone to my email so I can save them to my computer. Then filled in the photo spots using drag and drop or upload. I think I hit upload and then drug them to the spot and they filled it in. It was easy peasy.
Made sure my photo paper was in the right tray. Then had to make sure it was facing the right way because it wasn’t. Haha. Then printed my photo. I think she’ll love it. She’s probably reading it right now going, “Meh.” LOL
Have you ever made your own photo cards? This one took me about 15 minutes start to finish. Not too bad time wise. If you’re looking for some homemade gift ideas head over to my homemade gift ideas articles in a series to find lots of great ones. I also have other great Mother’s Day ideas here too. I’m always looking for inexpensive ways to celebrate the ones we love. If no one has said it yet let me be the first. Happy Mother’s Day whether you have your own kids, raised someone else’s kids or loved on a kid. Celebrate! What will you do for mom on Mother’s Day?
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