This post was sponsored by DePuy Synthes as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central, however all opinions expressed in my post are my own.
What should you do after a wreck?
The first step is to call the police to work the accident. Then you have to fight with the insurance company to pay the bills. After that you may still have problems. What then?
My husband had a bad motorcycle wreck when he was 18. It was so bad he was honorably discharged from the Army because of his knee. He’s having problems with it some 29 years later. It’s still bothering him. You don’t know how good you have it if you do not have knee and hip pain. It can really make your life get stuck on pause. He can’t work out with me. He can’t play softball like he used too. He has a hard time doing chores around the house. He does them because he’s stubborn but it’s not easy on him. He hates sitting on the sidelines when his family is doing fun things.
Click to tweet and put a smile on my face! Click To TweetDon’t let life hit pause because of your joint and hip pain. Get out there and live again. Start out by talking to your doctor about what your options are. Locate a physician in your area that can give you solutions. Then visit the initiative and see what they’re up too. Check out this video of we miss you when hiking and see what life is like with knee and hip pain.
Don’t sit out on any more fun family events. Go back to being active. Start with walking in your neighborhood. Then maybe move up slowly to other fun activities you enjoy. Have fun bowling. See a movie. Most of all just get your life back. Start by visiting the physician finder in case you don’t have one. Then find out what they can help you with. Get out there and have fun again. Live your life and enjoy being with family and doing fun things again! Make your doctor your partner and he will help you get out there and enjoy life again!
This is excellent information. Physician finder sounds like an amazing service. I’ll have to look into it. I’ve often needed a doctor, and I had to ask around to my friends for references.
That is awful. I’m so sorry to hear that your husband is still having that pain! My father has terrible knee pain, and he is absolutely miserable with it.
I was in a wreck in 2014 and it really affected my neck. Calling your insurance and also finding someone who can treat any injuries is important.
These are some great tips. Sometimes the small steps are just what you need to take to get you to bigger ones.
My father-in-law has had knee replacements on both knees and stationary bikes and walking is really helping to improve and lessen the pain. Finding a reliable doctor and creating a good relationship with them is key in successful recovery.
These ae great tips and such good information. It is hard to get back on track after something like this.
My dad had a knee and a hip joint replacement.
This is a tough journey.
These are really great tips! It’s really difficult for anyone undergoing this situation. It’s important that family know what to do.
That is so great for people who needs help. This is good tips for us! Thanks for information.
It has to be very hard for your husband to feel like he’s missing out on things like that. My grandmother broke her hip and it was the worst on going pain she’s ever had. I also have friends that hurt their knees playing sports and they’re never the same again. This is a great resource for help, and having a great relationship with your dr is very important.
My mom has had both of her news replaced. i hadn’t really realized how difficult it was for her to do ordinary things until her knees were fixed.
Great information. I wouldn’t even have a clue where to begin. It’s not something I think about often and really should!
That is terrible that your Husband is still having issues from the accident so many year later. Physician Finder sounds like a great service.
I was in a wreck a few years ago and things still stick with me as well. You’re so right. It’s a life-changing experience.
This sounds like an awesome service. Knee pain is rough, so sorry he is still dealing with it. My big issue is my bad back so I know how it can be.