It’s after Thanksgiving and if you’re anything like me you have lots of leftover food lying around. Let’s put that food to good use. Check out my leftover ham and 3 bean soup recipe. It’s a great way to use that ham bone or use the leftover ham everyone’s getting tired of.
Here’s the 3 Bean Soup with Ham Recipe Ingredients
Pinto, Black, White Navy Beans
half onion chopped
salt and pepper to taste
chunks of one carrot chopped chunky (supposed to absorb the gas so you don’t)
leftover ham
hambone (if you want)
Ham and Bean Soup Recipe
Soak beans over night if you remember. To soak overnight you just add 8 cups of water to the beans in the pot. Or soak using the one hour method. You sort beans, remove rocks and add to the pot. Then cover with water (about 8 cups). Bring to boil for 2 minutes. Place lid on top of pot. Turn off the stoves eye and let sit for an hour with lid still on. Drain water. Put beans back in pot after draining. Add chopped onion, salt and pepper, carrots and leftover ham or bone. Cook on medium heat with plenty of water covering (about 8 cups) for 2.5-3 hours. Check doneness by tasting. Continue to add water as you cook and it reduces down. Add 2-3 cups at a time so that they don’t burn. If beans are still hard let them cook longer. Mine sometimes take 2 and sometimes 3-3.5 hours to cook. If yours are taking longer let them continue to cook but check them every 15-20 minutes. This is a delicious and easy way to use up Thanksgiving leftovers. So so good! Enjoy!
Looks bad tastes oh so good! Don’t go by looks on this one. It’s too good to describe. Eat and enjoy those Thanksgiving leftovers in a new way. What are your favorite ways to remake Thanksgiving leftovers into something else? I’d love to know! Leave me a comment and maybe I’d enjoy making your recipe.
Slow Cooker Ham and Egg Overnight breakfast is an easy yummy solution on busy days.
You can watch a quick short I made here: Youtube short on my channel (subscribe so you don’t miss a thing). Before you go check out my easy ham in the crockpot recipe I made here. I made a really popular ham pinwheel recipe that everyone seems to enjoy too! Ham and bean soup is always a hit as well to use up your leftovers. The other thing you can make is the slow cooker ham breakfast recipe that we made for Christmas one year!
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