Every year at back to school time my kids and I look forward to shopping. They look forward to it not only because they get new school supplies but because we also shop for a child who may not be able to have school supplies that year. We do this at the same time we grab what the kids need. This year we were so excited to have Wonderful Pistachios help us out and sponsor our event. They supplied what is normally the most expensive item, the backpack. That was such a nice thing to not have to think about! Check out what all we bought for around $30!
We were able to give paper, pens, pencils, scissors, folders, spiral notebooks, crayons, markers, expo markers and so much more. It’s so rewarding to know that we are helping out a child that may love school but not have the items they need for their school year. I never know who the supplies goes too. I simply leave a filled backpack at the office for them to give out as they see fit. Sometimes I ask the kids to take it in so that they’re involved in the giving too. It’s a good thing for the kids to think about others who may not have the basic necessities.
It’s good for our hearts to give! We made sure to include the Wonderful Pistachios in their backpacks too. We have a love affair with pistachios. My kids love them and my hubby and I do too. Delicious and filling. Lots of protein and no sugars makes the pistachios a great snack. For any kid or adult! Do you donate or give back? I’d like to make a point of having my kids give back more this year so that they realize how wonderful they have it and learn to focus on others needs and not their own. In what way can you think of for others to give back? Especially children wise what ways can they give back more?
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