This is my friend Linda’s beautiful backyard. Linda is my second mom. I lived at her house growing up playing with my best friend. Her and I have a relationship that’s special. I treasure it. After spending a few hours with her one day I had the inspiration that my readers would love to see what she had done with her backyard. If I loved it so much I knew that you guys would too. And now you can create the perfect gnome town in your own yard. Who doesn’t want their own gnome town?
So take a stroll through Linda’s backyard adventure in pictures!
Welcome to Linda and Doug’s Gnome town
Make use of your stumps and give the gnomes a chance.
I’m convinced these guys are up to no good.
Better follow the rules in gnometown. It looks like you could be in trouble if you don’t!
What do you think of her beautiful backyard. I’d never have thought to give them their own town in my backyard. I sure love what she did with it. Some of the pictures are repeats but it’s so hard to see everything I wanted to give you all angles, wide or narrow, zoomed in or not. I didn’t want you to miss a thing in her beautiful backyard gnomeville.
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