Free Back To School Nightly Routine Printable
In a few more weeks it will be back to school time here in the south! My family and I have already started going to bed a little earlier, gathering up school supplies, done a little back to school clothes shopping, and basically are trying to get back into the swing of things. Summer just seems to go so fast doesn’t it!? I’ve got kids that really benefit from having a checklist of the things they need to do, so I always make sure to try to provide them with anything that is going to help them succeed (and I’ll be honest, whatever is going to make my day easier as well!). So I made this super simple back to school nightly routine printable that is perfect to hang in the kids room.
What I do is print it out, put it in a picture frame and tie a dry erase marker to it. That way they can use it every night and check items off as they do them, and then the next morning they can erase the checks and start again! I thought other parents out there might benefit from the same back to school nightly routine printable as this one to help little ones (and even bigger ones!) stay on track each night, which will make it easier for everyone and make your nights and next morning run smoothly. Enjoy!
Here is my FREE back to school nightly routine printable just for you!
(click to enlarge and print)
It’s a simple solution to a hectic nighttime routine. It lets the kids know exactly what needs to be done before bed. My daughter loves that I don’t have to tell her what to do. It’ makes her feel more grown up and more in control of her night time routine. I hope it works for you as well as it’s worked for us! Have a great school year!
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