I’m sure like many people you’re wondering what a blogger does all day. It takes a short amount of time to write a post so what else goes on? I thought about this yesterday and I thought I might give you a glimpse into what exactly it is that a blogger does all day. This is based on my day yesterday! It’s not all margarita lunches! Oh how I wish it was!
My normal view of the day.
Drop the kids at school at 7:15 then back home to begin my day and get my posts done. I had to put up a 12 days of post and a Disney through the looking glass post. That doesn’t take very long. An hour total for both. Then I spent about an hour promoting other posts. The next two hours I worked on search engine optimization for older posts so they’d start appearing at the top of the search engine for Mother’s Day. My daughter was home sick so after she woke up I had to run to the store to get items needed for a blog post and some groceries. This was my third trip to the store looking for the items I needed for this blog post. I took my girl out to lunch while we were out. I usually do that after the doctor but we knew based on her brother that she just had a virus.
Setting the stage for a fun snack.
Then we came back home. She went off to watch her shows and I worked on redoing a bunch of pictures. I had to stage them and retake them for the third time. There’s a lot of staging and photographing that goes into making blog posts. After I was finished redoing my pictures I went straight into editing them. I have a blog post that is due soon and I went ahead and wrote it up. At this point it’s time to get my son from school. So I hopped in the van and headed to pick him up.
Playing with make up for my sons performance in the Lion King this week.
Ran into the local Dollar General so I could get him a shirt for his play and some cheese for our dinner… yes I had just been to the store but you always forget something right? We get home and he’s hungry. I made him some french bread pizzas. It turned into a snack/dinner. Then he did his homework and I went back into the blog to promote more posts on social media. I spent the next 2 hours promoting posts there. Whew. It’s now time for my hubby to get home. I throw a load of clothes in the wash and proceed to pick up the house, feed the dogs and the cat and get ready for my night. Then I worked on doing my sons make up for his performance in the Lion King this week. I’d never done it before and needed to practice. It’s busy and it’s crazy but I love it and can’t ever imagine doing anything else. I try really hard to take nights off. So there’s really nothing glamourous about being a blogger. It’s a lot of work. But it’s fun and what I love. If you’ve ever wondered what a blogger does all day it probably goes a lot like this! Or even more chaotic if their kids are younger!
What do you think? Is this what you thought we all did all day?
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