Crazy Pumpkin Cookies
Cookie Cutter
You can get it here!
Candy Corn Cookie Cutter
Cookie Ingredients:
2 1/2 cup flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cream of tartar
1 1/2 C powdered sugar
1 egg, room temp
1 tsp vanilla
1 C unsalted butter, room temp
Icing Ingredients:
2 egg whites
1 C powder sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp vanilla
Brown, orange, golden yellow and black gel food coloring
Cookie Directions
-In a medium sized bowl cream butter, sugar, vanilla and egg until well combined.
-Add the dry ingredients together and whisk until combined.
-Slowly begin to pour the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients bowl and mix until blended.
-Mix all of the ingredients and form a dough ball. (If the dough ball is still sticky, add in half a cup of flour mixing until becomes firm.) Now put the dough into a zip lock bag or in a bowl covered with cling wrap.
-Put in refrigerator for 2 hours so that the dough can rise. ( It won’t double in size like bread dough.)
-Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line the cookie sheet with parchment paper.
-Roll out the cookie dough onto a cutting board with some flour added on it with a rolling pin.
-Start cutting out the “ghost” with the candy corn cookie cutter with half of the prepared dough.
-Transfer these cookies to a parchment lined cookie sheet.
-Bake at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes or until a light brown.
-Remove from the oven and cool on the cookie sheet for about 10 minutes.
-Take off of the cookie sheet and put on a wire rack until completely cool.
Icing Directions
-Separate the egg yolk from the whites. putting only the egg whites into a mixing bowl.
-Stir in the sugar, cream of tarter and vanilla to the egg whites.
-Beating on medium for 6 minutes.
-If the icing has the appearance of soup or is yellow in color add more powder sugar, 1 cup.
-Put 2 TBSP of icing in a bowl adding in some of the golden yellow gel food coloring. Mix well.
-Put 4 TBSP of icing into a bowl adding some of the black gel food coloring, mixing well.
-Divide the rest of the icing equally into three bowls.
-In the 1st bowl the icing will remain white,
-In the 2nd bowl add some of the orange gel food coloring, stirring to blend in the color.
-In the 3rd bowl add some of the brown gel food coloring, blend in all of the food coloring.
-Begin to scoop all of the black and golden yellow icing in individual piping bags with #2 tips.
-Next spoon a small amount of the brown, orange, and white icing into individual piping bags with #2 tips.
-With the remaining brown, orange, and white icing add in 1-3 TBSP of water to thin this icing out. It should be slightly running but not like soup. If it does have the appearance of soup then begin to add 1/4 cup of powdered sugar in to thicken it ( for each of the colors as needed).
The White Ghost:
-Referring to the picture of the cookie.
-Outline the ghost in white (the body of the ghost will not include all of the cookie) icing in the pipping bag. Allow to cool slightly before moving on.
-Fill in the ghost body with the thinner white icing with a butter knife.
-Again looking at the picture of the ghost, outline parts of the ghost with the #2 tip in the pipping bag.
-Add 4 short lines as the decorative pieces on the bottom of the ghost with the pipping bag and #2
-Now with the orange pipping bag outline the bottom half of the candy corn cookie cutter, fill this in with the thinner orange icing.
-Allow for this to slightly dry. Then add the decorative lines to it.
-With the black icing in the pipping bag add the eyes to the ghost. Outline first then fill in with the thicker black icing.
-Allow to dry for 5-10 hours.
The second Crazy Pumpkin cookie
-With the second bowl of dough cut out the cookies using the candy corn cutter. After all of the cookies have been cut, flip the cookie cutter with the top of it used to cut off the top of the cookie. (look at the picture of the cookie).
-Outline the top half of the cookie in the brown icing in the pipping bag. Allow to cool slightly before moving on.
-Fill in the body with the thinner brown icing with a butter knife.
-Again looking at the picture of this cookie, outline the neck of the cookie with a thick line with #2
tip in the pipping bag.
-Add a small white dot for the whites of the eyes with the white icing. While this is still wet add a smaller dot in the golden yellow icing then adding a even a smaller dot for the eye ball in black.
-Allow this half to dry for about a minute or so before moving on to the lower half of the cookie.
-Now with the orange pipping bag outline the bottom half of the candy corn cookie cutter, fill this in with the thinner orange icing.
-Allow for this to slightly dry. Then add the decorative lines to it.
-Allow to dry for 5-10 hours.
Aren’t these the cutest pumpkin ghost cookies for halloween! What are your favorite way to make halloween cookies?
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