Disclaimer: I am participating in this campaign as a member of Entertainment New Media Network. Although this is not a paid post, I was sent a small thank you gift for my participation. All opinions expressed are my own.
Many people want stuff. They buy stuff and enjoy shopping. I don’t want that to be my legacy to my kids. So I’m sharing what’s more important to us than shopping. We share travel with them. I want them to have a desire to see the world and change what they can. I want them to be self sufficient and able to take care of their family. I want them to not care about the car they drive or the house they live in. I’d rather they collect experiences than stuff. Check out my video I made about legacy.
By being in a family we all have a legacy. It’s our job to share that with the younger generation.
The people at H2O+ help women achieve healthy, hydrated skin through our advanced water-based formulas and innovative skincare technology. As the exclusive worldwide provider for in-room amenities of the Disney Resorts, we are teaming up with Walt Disney Records to celebrate The Legacy Collection, which commemorates the rich heritage of classic Disney films and soundtracks that we all know and love.
What is going to be your legacy?
What are you leaving behind as you travel through life? Great memories? Wonderful experiences? Valuable pieces of advice? Together, we invite you to #ShareYourLegacy because all women have a story and all stories lead to a legacy. Why not go to www.h2oplus.com/legacy to submit a video and #ShareYourLegacy with us. It could really win you some fun prizes!
Here’s what you need to know about the sweepstakes!
It’s for US Only – 18+
Participants do NOT have to post #ShareYourLegacy to enter the sweeps.
Enter now for a chance to add an exciting Broadway story to your legacy. Grand Prize Winner and a guest will be whisked away to New York City for a once in a lifetime Broadway experience. Find out more at: www.h2oplus.com/legacy (I wanna go!!)
Here’s the fun prizes you could win!
Round-trip airfare for two to NY (gasp!)
Two night hotel stay
Two tickets to The Lion King and exclusive behind the scenes tour (ok gonna have to enter it now)
H2O+ Skin & Bodycare Beauty Basket ($500 retail) full of bestsellers for healthy, glowing skin for your big night on the town.
So what is your legacy? Here’s my legacy!
Tell me your legacy in a comment and then enter the Legacy Sweeps! I hope one of my readers wins!
I hope my legacy is kids that are kind and generous. I’ve tried to instill values in them from their birth.
I think the best legacy I can leave are children that grow into adults who know the value of love, honor, and decency. I think that’s the greatest legacy of all.
Sharing travel with your kids is a great legacy. My legacy is my Daughter who turned out to be such a wonderful, caring adult. I have no idea what I did right.
Love this post! My 3-1/2 year old grandson has “experiences” on his Christmas list. I spent a good portion of my life collecting “stuff.” Experiences are worth so much more!
I guess I am not one of those many people that buy stuff and shop a lot. Thanks for sharing your video.
Those are some incredible prizes. My two great kids will be my legacy. I hope they do great things.
My legacy is to bring up loving, honest and kind children. I have been teaching them these things since they were very young.
I hope my kids have learned compassion and hard work from watching me. It is important to be kind to others and always help when you can.
awesome giveaway. I would want to win a trip of lifetime. I love traveling with my kids
Fun times and great memories of once-in-a-lifetime opportunities is going to be my legacy. That’s what I strive to bring to my family, opportunities that we normally would not get.
I think the legacy I will leave to my children is the value of hard work. They have seen me start from nothing to what I have today. I know that through my example, they too, would be able to stand on their own and establish a financially stable adult life.
My legacy would be my kids – and bringing them up right, and to be amazing adults.
What is your legacy? That’s a great question! I would like to think it will be the travels I’ve done with my kids…the qualities I’ve instilled in them, such as being kind and having integrity.
I really hope that my kids continue to be kind and caring towards others. I hope my legacy is to teach them this.
I hope my legacy will be my children… I want them to be kind, compassionate and caring individuals. I’ve been careful to demonstrate those traits around them 🙂
This sounds like an awesome giveaway and campaign. It is so important that we as parents leave our children with a legacy for them to share with others. I have taught my boys that they could achieve anything they wanted in life if they set their minds to it and to never give up.
For me, the best legacy is to leave a son who knows what RESPECT is because I do believe that when there is respect, everything else follows.
Leaving the legacy you want to be known for is so important. Many people get caught up in the day to day and don’t give this enough thought or effort.
I hope to fill my children’s lives with happiness and the need to get out and conquer life. I think it’s so important to pay attention to the now.
This is such a nice sweep to enter with lovely prizes. I have no clue how to answer the question of what my legacy will be.
I have wonderful traveling memories from when I was a child. I want to create some wonderful traveling memories for my children as well.
Thank you sharing your legacy. Your family is beautiful.