We went to our best friends for dinner the other night. We had a good old fashioned barbeque. It was so much fun. They have a farm and my kids and myself just love to go there. In addition to good food and homemade ice cream we played cornhole and outside Jenga. I’d never seen a Jenga game quite this big before.
They said it was pretty simple to make. Collect some 2×4’s cut them to equal lengths. Sand the edges. Then spray paint two colors you like. They did orange and green. These were cut about 12 inches long. How fun is that? If you have leftover 2×4’s you’re wanting to use up you may just need to make the outdoor jenga game. We played cornhole as a family and with our friends too. It was so much fun! I’d never played cornhole before. Gasp I know I heard you all scream from here!
And this was my favorite cornhole pic of the day!
Here’s some other outdoor fun to be had this summer! Outdoor fun and games to keep boredom away. 5 Water games kids love to play. Boredom busters that cost less than $5. Outdoor fun and games for kids is another great list of fun games for you to do outside. Our summer schedule or how a wahm does it! Why not make a summer bucket list for your family and mark things off! That’s always a fun way to keep summer interesting.
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