I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Influence Central for SwimWays. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
My friend Cyndi and I had a party at the pool the other day. We were getting the babies in the pool for the first time and at first they weren’t so sure but after about 15 minutes or so they loved it. I had fun with her 4 year old grandson. We’ve been working with him on getting his face in the water so we can teach him to swim. He had so much fun. He did great putting his face in the water, kicking and swimming (even though he didn’t think he was swimming he was!). He then, with his SwimWays swim jacket on, was jumping into the pool to me over and over again. SwimWays has been helping children learn to swim for over 40 years. They give them confidence and help them stay up while learning! His SwimWays swim jacket definitely helped him feel more comfortable in the water. He’s such a fun, happy little guy.
National Learn to Swim day was on May 16. In my opinion it is so important to teach children to swim. You want all these sweet babies to be safe and be able to float if they were to fall in. So teaching them to float was our first and foremost job. The babies (we had 3 in the one year range) loved the SwimWays floats (the giraffe one was so fun as well as the Baby Spring Float) which you can pick up at ToysRUs. They also loved the SwimWays dog toy that swam in the water while they were floating. It was a nonstop fight over who wanted to hold the dog. It was so cute. My son and daughter were little fish that day. They got to hang out on the big floats when they weren’t helping with the babies. My girl had so much fun with one of the babies. She was playing with her and pushing her around the pool in her float. It was truly a great day. I think we all had a great party. Even Cyndi and I. Although to be honest I was exhausted after we left. Check out my first post I did on the SwimWays baby spring float!
That giraffe baby float is too cute! I had not heard of SwimWays so I’m happy to learn about their products. I’m glad they are easy to find at Toys R Us also.
Teaching the children to swim at an early age is just so important. My children are grown but they had lessons and young children. My daughter and son-in-law have done a great job making sure all 5 of their children learned how to swim also.
Those are so cute. Wish my kids were smaller and could get into one. A great way for the babies to enjoy the water while being safe.
I love that these allow the babies to float in the pool in the pool like this!! The sun cover on them is perfect for protecting them from the sun. Looks like everyone had a blast at the pool!!
Awww! I love the little baby floatation devices! They are so cute! I love the little shade they provide as well, I’m sure the baby is going to love it! How cute to see them just floating on the water in that! Thanks for sharing, definitely going to check this one out!!
I loved these when the kids were little. We swim often and having a baby in the pool can feel like more of a job than fun. I loved using these because the older kids had fun pushing and pulling the baby around the pool and I got to relax and didn’t have to worry about anyone drowning!
Those are the only ones I buy for my kids. I remember getting my daughter her first one when we had a backyard pool. We spend lots of time floating around. I remember the float being such high quality. It last for years.
I love this. Teaching our kids to swim is so important. I wish we had products like this when I was little. Now I am 50 still can’t swim haha. You make me want to try these 🙂
What a fun time.
I need SwimWay float for my toddler. It is so very cute. Do they make the adult size? LOL. I want one. On the more serious note, yes, I agree with you that it is our responsibility to teach our kids how to float and swim. I am a lousy swimmer, but should I accidentally get into the water, I can float. I want my toddler to have to same ability so she can stay safe. Great post!
Having swimming skills is so important in this world because drowning is no joke! My son is 2 years old and I think it’s time to throw him in the water, I haven’t heard of SwimWays before so I’m excited you introduced them to me! I have to check it out because the clock is ticking and I live in southern california, we can’t avoid pool life/beach life!
What a great post! I also agree that it’s so important for everyone to learn how to swim. My mother-in-law does not know how to swim, and it blows my mind! So many people are scared of the water, but what if you get yourself into a scary situation where knowing how to swim means life or death? That float is adorable. It would be perfect for my 7 month old!
Oh how stinking cute is this?!!? I would love to put my baby niece in one of these! She would have a blast in this for the summer!