I don’t know about you but I’m always looking for ways to get outside and enjoy being outside with my kids. We garden every year and always enjoy a beautiful bounty from our garden. My kids are required to get out and garden with me. I know it’s good for me and it’s good for them. The kids need to know where their food comes from and how it’s grown. So here’s my tips for 5 ways to get outside and garden more with kids.
Container Gardening is an easy way your kids can help you garden. My girl loves to help me work in the yard and she does so in container gardening. It’s so easy to either plant a few seeds or buy a 6 pack of small plants and put them in some dirt in a container. It’s a win win for my porch.
Opportunity gardening is when you happen upon something that you want for your garden and you’re able to get it. My daughter and I had been on a walk in our neighborhood when we saw this lamb’s ear growing wild. We walked home, got our shovel and a wet paper towel, dug it up and brought it home. Isn’t it beautiful now? It’s grown so much in 2 years. I would have hated for this plant to continue to get mowed down by the city when I get to enjoy it daily.
Last year we decided it was time to get some food out of our yard. So we planted some blueberry bushes. This year we’ll get to eat the blueberries. My girl loves to help me pick blueberries. She also loves to help me pick raspberries. The raspberries got a bit carried away and we couldn’t keep them from growing over everything. So we opted for blueberry bushes which grow more contained and doesn’t get as overgrown. We also planted our tomato bushes in between our blueberry bushes. This way I can put a net over all of them so the bunnies and squirrels don’t get to eat the food we need for our family.
This conversation is sponsored by Personal Creations and ProPlants. All information is honest and my own. Thanks for encouraging us to get our children out into the garden.
It’s fun to find unusual items and turn them into lawn art. We grabbed this old wheelbarrow from a house in Florida and brought it all the way back to Tennessee so I can use it to grow some pretty flowers. So my girl helped me plant them and we enjoy watching them grow and bloom. It also encourages her to take care of them and understand the relationship water and growing has with plants. She does a great job helping us.
We love to grow roses. These are called Knock Out Roses and they get so big. They become bushes with tons of roses all over them. We love them. My girl loves to cut the roses and bring them in for us to all enjoy on our kitchen table.
Gardening with kids can be fun and entertaining. It’s a great thing to get your children outside and have them help you garden. This weekend we plan on planting our big backyard garden. We’re so ready for fresh food. We put off putting in our garden because it always seems to rain a flood and then kill my freshly planted seedlings. So we wait now. The kids need to learn things like this. It’s good for them to know where their food comes from and to help bring that food to the table. Interested in yard and garden gifts? Get your children and get outside and enjoy gardening as a family. It’s a good thing!
Check out my gardening printable pack that is free for you to print. It helps you track your seeds, what does well and so much more!
Robin Rue (@massholemommy)
We don’t have a garden, but I do love fresh produce. I frequent the farmer’s market.
My kids do help me quite a bit in the flower beds and with yard work. It is something they don’t mind too much..unless it is raking leaves!
Liz Mays
I love that you happened upon a Lamb’s Ear plant. I wish I’d be so lucky. You have some terrific ideas here!
Debbie Denny
These are fun ideas. Kids really enjoy growing things.
Gardening is such a good hobby to get the kids into, it is relaxing and so peaceful.
Elizabeth O.
Great tips! I have no problems encouraging my kids to do gardening. They love to play with dirt and water.
Rebel Sweetheart
My son helps out in the gardening at home. He loves plants a lot! 🙂
We planted a garden this year and my kids love to take turns watering and plant feeding our plants! It’s one of their favorite chores.
Uplifting Families
My grandparents always had gardens in their yard. They would grow a variety of food that we could eat. I was wishing that I has room at our house to have a garden. But since I dont, I’m trying a planter full of tomatoes. We just planted the seeds a few days ago and hopefully we will get some fruit out of it.
Rebecca Swenor
These are great tips for gardening with kids. I planted bulbs with my niece and nephew last weekend. They love planting flowers and watching them grow. I love the wheel barrel idea and the garden printable pack to keep track of the seeds. Thanks for sharing.