As a busy mom there’s so many ways I don’t get everything I need to get done during the day done. I get distracted and can chase a squirrel with the best of them. So I wanted to gather up 10 helpful tips to help you free up your day and get more done. Leaving you more time for you, your family or your hobbies.
1. Schedule your day. For instance when I get up I begin getting the kids ready for school. After returning home from dropping them off I then start my laundry with my all free clear. My daughter, son and myself all have sensitive skin and this is the detergent for sensitive skin. It’s dermatologists tested recommended by Allergists, Pediatricians and picky sensitive skinned moms like me. It’s 100% hypoallergenic which is helpful because of my rosacea among other reasons. After I start laundry I’m right there by my freezer so I then set out what we’re having for dinner that night. If I don’t get that done then I’m scrambling at 5pm to find dinner. If I’m scrambling at 5 then we are eating out. There’s 5 people in my family and we can’t afford to eat out! So schedule your day and plan your meals. If you fail to plan you plan to fail.
2. Plan your meals around what you already have on hand. This way you’re not running into the store every other day when you need just one thing to make that meal.
3. Plan your meals for the week on Sunday. You can plan them around your weekly sales to take advantage of the savings. But by making a plan you are preparing yourself for the week.
4. Stay off the computer. Easier said then done right? Especially for me. But when I’m not on the internet I’m paying more attention to my kids, my house and life. Our family deserves the best me I can be. That means I need to take my own advice and get off the computer.
5. Assign the kids chores to do to help you around the house. The normal chores my kids do are taking care of their bathroom, sweeping and mopping floors and doing dishes. We have a night a week that everyone does the dishes. That way mom gets a break. Mom always needs a break.
6.If you have kids that can help let them clean the house on the weekend. That way your house is ready for the work week.
7. Find activities the kids can do so you can get a few minutes to yourself. I have filled a sink with bubbles and let them pretend to wash dishes so I could get a workout in or read a few pages. My kids also liked painting the fence with water or the sidewalk with water.
8. Use a calendar to keep up with when your bills are due and get them paid when they come in. Or use bill pay and schedule them in advance. Bill pay saves me time and money I’m so glad my bank has this feature.
9. Schedule all your errands when you will be out anyway. I always schedule them first thing after dropping off the kids or right after picking them up. That way I’m already out and not wasting gas going out again later.
10. Handle all your bills one time. Open the mail pay the ones that need to be paid and then file them. Don’t handle the bills, look at them and put them in a pile. Okay I’ll admit I’m the worse at this. I’m the one who places it in a pile and deals with it later. But if I’d just take 3 minutes a day to throw away junk mail, pay bills and file them then I wouldn’t be filing and dealing with those papers a second time.
When you free up your time in your day it allows you more time to spend on either pampering yourself or spend it doing what you want to do. Why not free up time in your day and enjoy your life more. This is the only life we get. We only get one. Make it count. I wnat to be free to be me. How do you plan to free up time in your day to either pamper yourself or spend it with your family.
I love your 10 ways to free up your day so there is time to be free! I am a huge fan of menu planning and I do laundry daily as to avoid a huge pile up of dirty clothes. I am also a huge fan of all free. It is the only detergent I will use!
Great post and I always try to schedule then some disaster happens and it never works. When my girls were home I never had these problems I knew exactly who what where and when now they are in their 20’s and I have a website and the attention span of an ant lately. I need your motivation. Thanks for sharing.
I couldn’t agree with you more! Scheduling your day really helps make the day run smoothly. I start with my calendar and a prayer. Meal time is definitely something we start early in the day and keeping things on the calendar are the only way my tasks get done!
All free and clear is our all time favorite detergent! Our kids both had eczema and sensitive skin and this is the only one that works. We tried many.
These are fantastic tips to free up our days!! I too, schedule my errands and before I schedule them, I get all the coupons I need to bring to the stores I’m going to. 🙂 Staying off the computer would be a bit difficult but it is needed sometimes!! hehe. 😀 Loved your tips and blog post!! Thanks!
These are all really great tips, especially the first one and the one about scheduling all errands for the same time. When I go out, I usually knock out three or four things at once. I am gone longer, but it saves me time in the long run since I only leave the house once! I also recommend putting as many bills as you can on automatic payment and paperless billing – it’s one less thing to worry about!
love automatic payments. It does make my life so much easier!
Thank you for this post! I’m really trying to make an effort to balance my time. I think it’ll reduce my stress, and allow me to enjoy things more. Laundry is a big deal for me. So, getting this under control is going to be a blessing. Thanks!
Great article! I’m so bad in terms of planning a meal.It doesn’t really works in my home. My family once in a while have a taste for that day so I ended up wasting my time of planning ahead of time.
If only I could implement some of your tips, I would get so much more done. I need to stay off the computer but as a blogger, that is impossible. Every time I walk from my computer with the idea that I will work on something else, I end up going back 5 minutes later because I forgot to do something. I am going to try the calendar tip too, that will help me get a little more organized, I hope!
These are great tips!! I really need to try to do some of these myself. One thing I lack is menu planning. I could do a lot more of that. I always do a small load of laundry daily so I don’t have to do a whole bunch at once.
Wow I dont have kids at the moment, But if and when I do I want to stay at home and raise them properly. I was drawn to your post and love how your able to make a clear and strict plan to manage your day.
These are 10 great tips! As a Mom of 3, I’m always looking for more efficient ways to accomplish everything! I especially like #5 and #10!
it’s always the computer that gets in the way hehehe. so I have two hours in the morning after breakfast and then two hours after lunch. For hours everyday and i have time for gardening, cooking, laundry, and playing with my son
These are great tips! I started doing something this week that has helped me immensely! I wake up and do all the chores I hate first, By 9:30, I’ve cleaned the litter boxes, started laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, gotten the kids off to school and the morning dishes are washed up. It totally frees up my day when I start with the hard stuff first.
I so agree Heather!
This looks great I could definitely use more free time! Free of dyes and free of anything, its all good to me 😉 I will definitely be purchasing!
I should definitely get off the computer and do some laundry 🙂 Great tips
I’m definitely a bill stacker too. I tend to wait until they all come in because it’s just not fun writing checks. Planning meals ahead is also a great idea!
These are excellent tips. I usually stick to some type of plan but I’m also flexible. I have health issues and I do keep that in mind when doing things throughout the day.
Great tips! I always encourage my kids to help with the chores. I’ve never used All Clear. I will try to look for this when I go grocery shopping.
Great tips! I definitely use a planner for when bills are due. I do not want any late ones.
These are some really great tips!! All is such a great brand! You know you are getting a quality product with them!
Those are great tips to free up your time. It is important to plan the meals to have extra time on hand
Awesome tips! Who doesn’t love free time?
I used to struggle every day to free up time for myself. Ehile I still struggle at times I have gotten more into a better routine.
These are great tips to freeing up time indeed. It is a lot easy when you have your day planned all out. I have yet to try the All Free Clear dryer sheets. Thanks for sharing.