Thank you to Depend for sponsoring today’s post about the #underwareness movement.
I have an Aunt that lives in an assisted living facility. She has always been one of my favorite Aunts because I remember her being the “fun aunt”. It didn’t matter if we were playing freeze tag, jumping rope or playing on the playground, she would jump right in and join us in whatever it was we were doing at the moment, never worrying about getting a little dirty or messing up her hair. As I got older I noticed that she wasn’t as active as she used to be. When everyone in the family was sitting around telling stories and jokes, I noticed that she didn’t laugh as much as she used to. At the time, I didn’t know why, but somewhere along the line I overheard a conversation (I was always trying to “overhear” the conversation when the adults were talking, lol) that explained the changes in my “fun aunt”. The truth is, my aunt is one of the 51 million women that experience bladder leakage. She was so embarrassed because of the stigma of bladder leakage and also because she had no idea what to wear for bladder leakage.
51 million people are dealing with bladder leakage every day, just like my aunt was. It doesn’t matter how old you are. More people with bladder leakage are in their 20’s than in their 80’s and more are 50 years old or younger than 60 or older. In fact, the average age of someone with bladder leakage is only 52. My aunt was dealing with this issue and she didn’t know what to do, so she began to isolate herself from the family and her friends. Because of the stigma attached to bladder leakage, it isn’t talked about often and because nobody was talking about it, my aunt thought that she was alone with no options.
Thank goodness, her embarrassment and fear of having an “accident” in front of people has come to an end. Thanks to Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs, my aunt has gotten her life back. She doesn’t feel like she is wearing a diaper, which is something she was very concerned about. Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs have a lower rise for a more underwear-like look, feel and fit. They are also the first of their kind to come in black and beige. My aunt has always been a sharp dresser and Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs offer bladder leakage protection and are so thin and comfortable that they don’t cramp her style.
When my aunt first had the need for incontinence protection she didn’t know where to turn for help. Women today are lucky to have Depend to count on when they aren’t really sure what to wear for bladder leakage. Now my aunt is back to having fun. She is very active and she loves to dance. I know in my heart that Depend gave her her life back and I want everyone with bladder leakage to know they aren’t alone and that there is a solution.
Depend is beginning their 2nd year of Underwareness. Underwareness is a social movement and charitable cause to break down the stigma of bladder leakage. Depend is encouraging people to show their support for women with bladder leakage. For every photo and video shared using #Underwareness and featuring Depend products, the Depend brand will donate $1, up to $3 million. They will do this through 2016 to fund charities that advance the research and education of bladder leakage. It’s time to drop your pants for #Underwareness!
If you or someone you know has bladder leakage, there is help out there. Now, you can support the cause and try Depend Silhouette Active Fit briefs yourself or give them to a friend. Visit this page and click on the “Get a Sample” button located on the top right hand side of the screen. Then, select which free sample you would like to receive and wait for them to arrive! If you have any tips for bladder leakage, please share them with me below so we can all help each other out! #Underwareness
Love these! Bladder leakage is nothing to be ashamed of!
It’s really great that Depend is doing this for something that affects so many people. Thanks for getting the word out.
It really is an important topic because it affects so many. People just aren’t comfortable talking about it.
I don’t have leakage issues, but there is a whole group of moms in my zumba class who do & there is always a collective sigh when a song with jumps comes on!
I already loved this for people with this issue, but now I love them even more. I’m so glad your aunt has gotten her groove back!
These seem convenient and discreet enough for anyone to use. They’ve really made the leakage situation much easier.
They’re starting to look less like embarrassing adult diapers and more like underwear. Kudos to them.
These would be great for those that have bladder leakage problems. I’d even think they’d be great for some pregnant women too.
This is an all-important campaign. It’s certainly not something that many people want to admit to having as an issue.
I got these too and really, they are quite comfy! I have issues when I sneeze lol. And allergy season is HERE! UGH!
I’m so glad to hear that your Aunt is able to enjoy a good laugh again! There’s nothing worse than feeling self-conscious about enjoying the company of your family and friends.
This post is so useful, I have to share it with my mom. Thanks ^_^
I am glad there are more options for woman nowadays. I remember when I first needed something for aunt flow. I learned from my granny they were used when old for leaky bladders as well.. That you never grow out of using them.
Thankfully I don’t have to deal with this just yet. But I’m so glad these are out there to help those who need them!
My mom used to have a problem with her bladder. That time we were not aware that there are wearable pieces for bladder leakage protection. She also has not tried wearing a diaper but changes her underwear more times in a day.
I’m so glad to see the new design! It’s embarrassing enough to have a leakage problem without feeling like you have to wear a diaper. Way to go, Depends!
I don’t have these issues myself but I know a few ladies who do. It’s great that there’s a product out there like this that they can rely on.
People don’t like to talk about it, but it’s a fact of life. As we get older – especially if we’ve had children – it can happen. I used to work for a medical supply company, and know Depend to be a high quality product.
I’m blessed that I don’t deal with bladder leakage. It’s great that there’s products out there like Depends to help people who do, though!
I love that these are so much like real underwear. It would be nice having three colors to choose from.
It is so important to have these on hand in case you need them. Thanks for sharing these!
It’s great that Depend is bringing awareness to bladder leakage. It shouldn’t have such a stigma, so many women deal with it everyday!
I love that they look like underwear and not like diapers anymore. I can see how they can make women who need them more confident.
Looks like a great product. Glad to know this works for your aunt. 🙂
I am so sorry to hear about your aunt. I remember when my mom had to wear these all the time. She had Alzhemiers and lost control of her bladder/bowels. It was hard to watch her go downhill.
I am just thankful that they make these products for people who need them.
Looks like a great product for people that need bladder control!
This is totally awesome and I so love that they are shorter along with being less invasive so they are more comfy. I got a sample coming for myself as well as my mother. Thanks for shairng.
these come in handy when you never expect to need them. alawys a good thing to have on hand just incase
Many people find this embarrassing and hard to talk about, but it does happen! Glad there is stuff like this to help with these situations.
My mom used Depends and loved them! it was her brand of choice!
I don’t have bladder leakage problems but it’s nice to know that these products are out there. My mother swears it will happen to me when I get old!
I don’t have this issue yet in life. I am really relieved to hear that there are many options for protection if and when I do have an issue with bladder leakage.
What a great charitable movement! For being a product that promotes incontinence protection, I think they look kind of stylish.
Heading over to check it out. I can’t believe how big of a problem this is. Glad it’s not just older people!