Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by General Mills through Platefull Co-Op.
Nothing makes me happy during the coming cold months as much as eating a nice warm bowl of soup with some fresh made bread. It’s one of my favorite things to make and serve my family. There’s those days however when I don’t have time to make a fresh pot of soup with fresh made bread. Those are the days I’m able to open up a can of Traditional Creamy Roast Chicken Herb Dumpling or Traditional Chicken Noodle soup and feel like I’m giving them a warm meal for their bellies.
I was sent two cans to try out from Progresso and Platefull Coop. Thank you Progresso for a yummy lunch for this work at home mom. This made for a very tasty lunch. It was filling and warm. I enjoyed the taste, texture and how appetizing it was. It also made me feel full. I have great memories of eating chicken soup and a peanut butter sandwich for lunch at the babysitter’s house who kept me growing up. Do you have a favorite Progresso soup you turn to for lunch or dinner? What’s your favorite? Leave me a comment and let me know.
You can get some great coupons for Progresso soups here from Ready Set Save.
i love progresso soups. i had esophagus cancer and its surgery 3 yrs ago. i am cancer free now but due to the nature of the surgery, i have eating issues since then. i have problems with nauseousness and or just not being able to handle alot of different foods. i CAN, however, handle Progresso minestrone soup, vegetable vegetarian, macaroni & bean, and vegetable soups. those are my go to foods when i cant eat anything else. i have at least 8 cans of it a week, whether it be for lunch or dinner. 🙂