This contest is over. Winner is picked and will be emailed shortly! Do not enter! Jackie V is our winner picked by !
I’m not ready, I’m not ready, I’m not ready! I’m not ready for Christmas. Are you? A few of my blogging friends and I decided it would be fun to raise your spirits and ours to by giving away some holiday cash. Wouldn’t $600 sound great to do some shopping with right about now? It’s so simple to enter this giveaway. There’s 7 ways for you to enter!
How to enter for a chance to win a $25 Paypal courtesy of My UnEntitled Life! These all involve leaving separate comments. Of course you can leave me just one with all the info in it. But the more times you comment the better your chances of winning!
- Leave me a comment. Tell me – What is 1 thing you would want to give someone else for Christmas this year?
- You can also follow me on Pinterest. Come back and leave me a comment with your Pinterest username.
- You can follow me on twitter and tweet about the contest. Leave me a comment with your twitter url/name and then leave a new comment with the tweet. Tweet this: Want a chance to win up to $600 from some great bloggers? Enter this #giveaway to win! @dinade #win
- Head over to my facebook page and visit it please. Feel free to like it and comment if you’d like. Leave me your facebook name in a comment.
- Leave me your email address for my newsletter (it goes out once a month) – leave me a new comment below telling me you signed up. (Make sure you confirm your subscription.)
- Leave me a comment on any other post that’s not a giveaway. Leave me the url of the post with the name of the post in a new comment.
- Follow me on instagram and like a post while you’re there. Leave me your instagram name in the comments.
This contest ends on 12/14 at 11:59pm CST. If you comment after that it will not count. Winner to be announced as soon as they respond to email. Usually on or around 12/18.
This is a Round Robin giveaway so each of us will have a link to the next bloggers giveaway. After you leave me a comment, head over to the Kids Did It, she is giving away a $25 Gift Card! The more blogs you visit – the better chance you have to win. There are 20 blogs total! Good Luck!
I really want to give my son a week at the drama camp he wants to go to this summer, but I am not sure if we will have the money to give it to him.
follow on Pinterest: sandie raegler
liked on Facebook: sandie raegler
I would want to give my son a new car for Christmas and my hubby a new watch since his old one broke recently. Thanks 🙂
I’d like to give my mom tickets to a play.
Following you on Pinterest as Sherrie Cruson
Like you on Facebook as Sherrie Cruson
signed up for your newsletter
callawishes (at) hotmail (dot) com
Following you on Twitter @Grannylove38
I would like to give a my hubby a new smartphone. @benz1171
fb follower-cindy barr
My niece just had twins and am getting her a glider/rocker for a more comfy chair for feeding
Signed up for newsletter also
An apple laptop.
Like to give our girls a 3DS.
I’m an email subscriber.
Follow on twitter—–@countrynest411
I want to find personalized my first Christmas ornaments for my nieces.
Like you on FB——shirley emitt
email subscriber
I would love to give my sweetheart the new truck he wants.
Following Dina @ My UNEntitled Life on Pinterest {cherylfahling}.
Visited My Un-Entitled Life on Facebook.
I want to give my Dad a new Razor for Christmas!
I follow you on Pinterest
I would love to give my husband a new tractor trailer
I follow you on Twitter
I follow on Pintrest @ jilljackson18
Following on Twitter@jilliann68
Email subscriber
Commented on Facebook
Name Julie Wood
Newsletter subscriber
Link to comment
I am really hoping to get my 16 year old a laptop this year 🙂
I follow on Pinterest. Tracie Russell (mommaof3teens)
I follow on twitter Tracie Warnick@woobie18
I’d love to give my dad enough money so he can retire!
Following on pinterest @katiecontests
I visited (Tracie Russell)
Following on twitter @katiecontests
I signed up for your newsletter & confirmed (
Liked on FB
Would like to be able to give my daughter money to pay her student loans.
shoes for my husband
I would like to get my daughter some gymnastics and dance lessons so that she can be better prepared for cheer tryouts this spring. But its just not in the budget 🙁
I would love to be able to completely redo my teenagers room for Christmas!
I want to give others some of my homemade baked goods like cookies, breads, and fudge!
I follow you on Pinterest, I am
I follow you on Twitter, I am @linds120
I also tweeted about the contest here:
I would like to give a coat to my husband.
I like your page on Facebook, my name on there is Lindsey Craig
I follow you on pinterest (kelly Saver)
I really hope I win
I want to give my nephew some Starwars Legos this year.
I follow on Pinterest- groogruxking40
I follow on Twitter- @groogruxking40
newsletter- steve weber groogruxking40 at gmail dot com
just a new iphone cover liked on fb as well my name is angela marrie bacon mccabe
I would love to get my daughter some new clothes!! Happy holidays good luck all
Signed up for newsletter
I would like to give my mom a garage but that isn’t going to happen so she’s going to have to settle for 6 months of a coffee of the month club instead! LOL
I follow on twitter as @kymom13
My shared tweet:
I follow you on pinterest as barriemac13
I signed up for your newsletter as kymom13 at gmail dot com
I’m following you via facebook as Barrie MacLauchlin
My mom and I are making gift bags for the few people we know and the main thing we are adding is the Scrub Daddy sponge.
I like your facebook page. Emilie Proctor
Wish I could give my mom & dad a cruise
I signed up for the newsletter.
Twitter @ms_heather217
Facebook name Heather Reid
Also signed up for email…thanks 🙂
I want to give my grandson a pair of cowboy boots.
If money were no object,
I would love to give my husband a paid vacation, to get away from it all for a couple of weeks.
I would love to give my daughter (and me) a gift of going on a mission trip, first to the Operation Christmas Child processing center, to prepare shoeboxes for deliver, then to another country, to deliver these precious gifts to children somewhere.
I would love to give my son the tuition for driver’s ed, and a car he can use when he graduates, to get to college and to his job.
I would love to give all my friends something beautiful, like some sparkly jewelry.
I love to give, so I could go on and on…LOL! ;D
love this! 🙂
I follow you on Pinterest. My Pinterest name is gallerhea.
I really want to give my a new smartphone for the holidays.
I follow you on Twitter. I also tweeted about the contest.
Commented on Facebook under Natalie Yarbrough
I would love to get my husband a tablet for Christmas.
I follow on facebook – Andrea Williams
I follow on Pinterest –
I am already an email subscriber.
I’m super excited to give my daughter the LeapPad she wants 🙂
I’d love to give my mom a covered porch in our backyard so she could sit out there and enjoy the view.
I want to give my daughter a Frozen chair.
I follow on Pinterest.
Id like to get a homeless person a jacket,warm shirt,socks and a good hot meal. Thank you for the chance 🙂
I love reading all the sweet comments of people wanting to get for someone else! Thanks for being uplifting friends!
I follow you on pinterest
I left a comment on your FB as Sue Hull
I want to give my boyfriend something that will destress his life, what that is, I don’t know.
If I could give someone just one thing, I’d want it to be a simple truth that took me many years to learn. The truth is simply this: No one owes you anything.
Pinterest attea2d
I really want to give my girls a few things from their wishlists.
Facebook Sandy Klocinski
I follow on Twitter and tweeted.
I follow on Facebook, Charles Drawin.
I would like to get my daughter a new iPhone.
I follow you on Pinterest (Keenly Kristin)
I want to give certain people DVDs of shows I think they’d like.
I want to give my daughter the tablet she’s begging for.
Following on Pinterest, username: mronhubbard.
I follow you on pinterest
I visited on FB. 🙂
I want to give my oldest a new ipod
I want to give my grandson a Zoomer Dino. It’s #1 on his wish list.
I follow you on Pinterest: mammjamm18
I follow on Twitter @eswright18
I want to give my mom perfume
Pinterest follower as Amy Orvin
twitter follower: @amyorvin
tweeted –
I want to give my mom all the love in the world! 🙂
following on Pinterest:
following on twitter @Nikolina_84
fb: Nikolina Vukelić
I am going to give a friend a basket of snacks and food plus a gift card.
I follow you on pinterest as michele376.
I would love to be able to give my husband a laptop.
Thank you!
I follow on pinterest
I follow on twitter (jacvil5237)
I am a follower on facebook
My son is in college, and his laptop is about dead, so I’d love to help him get a new one.
groceries and gift cards to parents
Some gift cards they want!
I am planning on giving my Nana a new comforter set for Christmas. Along with some cute throw pillows and a few room decor items!
I follow you on Pinterest. my username is mmstarla //
I follow you on Twitter! my username is mmstarla //
I tweeted! :
i would love to get my husband a gold coin that he wants but it is so much money
i follow on pinterest
I would love to get a PS4 for my sons for Christmas.
I follow and like you on facebook! User name is Starla Bates
I follow you on Twitter as
i follow on twitter
I am subscribed to you by email! 🙂 starla.bates(AT)
I follow you on pinterest as
Sarah Oswald
i follow on facebook
michelle oakley warner
i signed up for monthly newsletter
I’d love to fly my mom’s best friend in from Australia, they’ve never met but have talked online for years. She is going through a tough divorce so I’d love to cheer her up!
I follow on pinterest! @prismperfect
I’m getting my daughter a cell phone for Christmas this year
I’m a newsletter subscriber
I would love to give my dad plane tickets to see his brothers
I follow via Pinterest:
I liked this post on FB
I really want to give my daughter a tablet this year.
I would love to pay for my granddaughter’s pre-school tuition for the year. She hasn’t started yet because my daughter is a single parent with no support from her daughter’s father.
My Pinterest username is Sherry Martindale
Fb name: Sherry Martindale
I’d like to give my daughter a remote control train set.
following on Pinterest as Audra O’Hara
i want to give my husband a machine shed…..not happening
I follow you on Pinterest! Lisa Kubin
I follow you on Twitter @lisakubin2
I like you on Facebook Lisa Kubin
I am going to give a local family a large bag of fresh meat (burger, pork and ham)
I follow you on Pinterest debdever
There is a sweater that my mom likes but they are sold out of the red. Keeping an eye on it in case it comes back.
I want to give my neighbor a subscription to a Gardening mag.
I would love to give my dogs a fenced in yard. Or my sister and her new husband a honeymoon.
I want to give my mom a spa day gift certificate for Christmas!
I follow on Pinterest as Tara Overby
I follow on twitter as @MrsOverby
I tweeted about this giveaway:
I follow on Facebook as Tara Overby
Check out @crunchycolletti’s Tweet:
I follow via twitter crunchycolletti
I follow via pinterest pqcolletti
I would like to buy my husband a new car. We need something bigger now that we are family of four
I subscribe to your emails with the email address I entered in the comment form.
If i could i would give my son good health
i follow on pinterest as alejandra teran
I would like to give my husband a Blu-ray player for Christmas this year.
I follow you on Pinterest. pjgurganus
I follow you on Twitter. @PJGurganus
I visited and liked your Facebook page. Pam Krick Gurganus
I signed up for your newsletter.
I would love to give my mom a brand new house. She is a very simple woman and would love a small storage building to make into a cute little cozy home for herself. I would love to give her that because she does not own her own home nor has she ever lived in a new house before.
Love to gift food for the needy
I would like to give my kids their own computer to share.
I’m a Pinterest follower (rickpeggysmith)
Visited you on Facebook. Also, I’m a FB friend (Margaret E. Smith)
email subscriber
I would love to get my mom a new dishwasher.
I would love to get my mom and sister a charm necklace. Thanks.
I follow you on Twitter. @cychochris
I would give all my kids new cars if I could!
I follow on Twitter and tweeted:
I would love to get my grandson a leapster to help with reading and math.
I follow you on pinterest, pameulahenson
I follow you on twitter @Pameula 68
and tweeted
I would like to give my son a good dutch oven or a stock pot.
Following on Pinterest
Liked & commented on this post on FB as Cynthia Conley
I’d love to give my husband a new computer
I want to give my oldest son an electric scooter.
I follow you on pinterest.
twitter follower
would like to get my husband something
following on twitter
following on pinterest
visited fb page and signed up for newsletter
Gift cards
I want to give my husband a surround sound system
I follow you on Pinterest
I follow you on Pinterest-
a new infinity scarf for my daughter!
Like you on Facebook as- and I liked your posts 🙂
I would like to get my mom concert tickets she wants
I want to get my Fiance an Ice Cream Maker!
Following on twitter as lyndseyg5209
Following on pinterest as lclawson529
Following on facebook as lyndsey gregg & liked your posts 🙂
Signed up for newsletter
I want to really get my daughter a tablet and to somehow afford an x-box for my foster son
I would love to give my son an ipad Air 2 for Christmas!
follow you on Pinterest. My url is:
newsletter subscriber
Folllow on twitter as @saverang
liked you on facebook as Angela Saver & commented.
tweeted as @saverang
I want to give a LEGO set to my son
follow you:
follow you :
Id love to be able to give my husband a deer rifle….
subscribed to the newsletter
i would love to give my kids a new laptop
i follow on pinterest jsheets
i followed on twitter @jeanettesheets
signed up for email
my husband a new laptop
pinterest follower sweetums82
instagram follower sweetums82
I would love to give my daughter the trip to New York that her chorus group is going on. Thank you!
I’d like to give my son a bike.
pinterest follow – wildnmild4u
instagram follow – @jenniferrote
The only thing my family which consists of my husband, myself, my grown daughter and her husband. Is that each would be able to find a job to replace the ones that they lost this past year. Also health and Happiness too.
I follow you on Pinterest via sbrought1
I follow you on Twitter and tweeted you message. Here is the link to the post:
I went to your Facebook page. Here is the link to mine
I signed up for you email newsletter!
I would give my daughter an airline ticket to visit me and her sister!
I follow you on Instagram via sbroughton61
I follow on Twitter @mkayalimom
I follow on Instagram (presidentlucy)
I follow on Pinterest (presidentlucy)
I follow on Twitter. @Couponsav2011
I would love to be able to get my husband out of debt!!!
I’m going to try to give my DIL an alarm system for her new car.
I would love to give my daughter a car for Christmas.
cshell090869 at aol dot com
follow you on Pinterest under Shelly Peterson.
cshell090869 at aol dot com
Visited/liked on Facebook under Shelly Peterson
cshell090869 at aol dot com
email subscriber
cshell090869 at aol dot com
Follow you on instagram under cshell202
cshell090869 at aol dot com
follow you on twitter and tweeted
cshell090869 at aol dot com
One gift I’d like to give is a donation to an animal rescue group called Homeless Animal Lifeline. I’m a big animal advocate and have saved many cats and kittens. This particular rescue has gone above and beyond to help animals.
I follow on Instagram as @Dianadevlin
I just want to give my kids smiles on their faces this year with happiness from their presents
I want to organize a family get-together with my sister’s family!
I want to get an Ipod for my daughter. I tweeted
I follow on twitter @crystalsgibson
I follow on pinterest crystalsg or crystal sheckles-gibson
Commented as Lotus on this post:
I would want to give my mom $25 to spend on crafts.
I liked on Facebook. Congratulations on your son’s yellow belt.
I follow on Pinterest. @Couponsav2011
i would love to give my mom a vacation. she hasnt had a real one in ages.
I am giving my husband a movado watch which he has been wanting for long time
I follow you on pinterest nips981
i follow you on instagram
I want to give my hubby a PS4!
If I could give anything, I would give my mom a much needed vacation down south to warmer weather!
I follow you on Pintrest as jenblogger7
I am an email subscriber of your blog.
I would love to give my sister who’s getting married next year money to be able to pay for her pictures
I want to get my boyfriend an Otter Box for the new iPhone he got for his birthday!
I am a pinterest follower of yours,
@carawling and tweet
I follow on Pinterest (Charming Linda)
I visited your facebook page as CindyWindy Blogs.
I would get airfare for my mom, brother and step dad to meet my son for the first time
Commented as Lotus on this post:
I would like to give my husband a laptop for Christmas along with someone besides me who can teach him how to use it! lol
I follow you via twitter @pw315
I tweeted the following:
I visited your facebook page and liked it. 🙂
I am now following you via instagram and liked the snowman bottle. pwill3840
I would love to give my son an iphone 6 he needs one.
Pinterest laurie nykaza
follow on twitter as lusciousbrat100
id love to give my sister a laptop. she lives with her son and his gf and 2 kids.. she has to constantly ask if she can use their computer..and has to wait forever until its free.. which is rare.
following pinterest as lusciousbrat
left a post/comment on fb as peggy fedison
signed up and confirmed email subscription
follow on IG as lusciousbrat liked and posted
Would want to give someone a great holiday dinner.
Liked your FB page.
I bought my husband a new suit and tie, but already gave it to him. I also have plans to get him a bbq chimney.
A new wardrobe for my daughter
I would love to find the right coat for my son..he’s pretty inflexible on what will work so we buy the same one everytime, except now..discontinued.
I follow on Pinterest
I really want to buy some books for my daughter for Christmas.Thanks.
I would love to give my husband a really good camera this year.
I follow on Pinterest
I follow on Twitter @upstatmissy2
I like your FB page Melissa storms
I tweeted the giveaway
I follow on Instagram as upstatemissy
I would love to give my mother a laptop for christmas
I would love to give my parents a nice vacation… just a week away.
I follow on pinterest ~ tinabornheimer
My facebook name is Tina Bornheimer and I left you a comment on your facebook 🙂
I am subscribed and confirmed to your newsletter 😉
I follow on instagram ~ fibrotina
Some home decor. 🙂
I want to give my husband some new work knives (he is a cook)
I follow on pinterest melina ramirez mramirez999
I want to give my mom a new hot curler set.
I follow on Pinterest. Username shangelx
I follow on Twitter @shanerus2
I already follow you on Facebook as Shane Russell
I follow on instagram as @shangelx
I would love to give my mom and dad a new car
I follow on pinterest bethanyr333, Beth R
I follow on twitter @Gkeeper333
I visited your FB Page (Beth Rees)
I get your newsletter Gkeeper333(at)yahoo(dot)com
I want to give my friend a new TV.
Thanks for the contest.
slehan at juno dot com
I’d love to give my husband and big screen tv.
Pinterest follower as suburbsanity.
twitter follower as suburbsanity.
Twitter follow you: slehan
slehan at juno dot com
I’m giving my son parts for the computer he’s building…. not the most fun thing to shop for!
I’m following you on Pinterest- my name there is ‘marmotgrl’
thank you!
I ‘like’ you on facebook! My name there is Wendy DesRochers
Also, I’m already a subscriber to your email newsletter… thank you!
I already gave my boyfriend some great boots, my oldest daughter some amazon ecard, and now waiting for my other daughter’s gift to come in.
I follow you by twitter as amberpaleface.
One thing for Christmas I did get my mother-in-law a new dishwasher this year.
I follow you on pinterest:
I follow you on twitter: @Shannycwfl730
link to my tweet:
Commented on this post:
Instagram name: kayshay_730 thanks for the chance.
I’d love to give my kids a night or two at their favorite place
I follow on pinterest
I follow on twitter under @begesw84
follow on instagram under begesw
I would like to give someone I know an unbroken heart
I follow on pinterest.
I would like to give an XBox One to my 15 year old.
I’m guessin this is US only.
I follow on Twitter. @sheilala33
I tweeted
I followed on instagram sheilaowen67
I would love to get my niece a new car and my nephews a Playstation 4.
I follow on pinterest as wlburro
I like on facebook as wen budro
I am an email subscriber at
my pinterest name is auntieof8
facebook name is becky tomlinson
instagram is greatestauntieof8
subscribed with
i would love if i could give the gift of paying of my moms mortgage
I would love to give plane tickets to all my family who won’t be here for christmas
I would like to give my husband a hunting trip he wants
following on pinterest-
i follow you on pinterest
i follow you on facebook
lesley johnston
i am giving me BFF a beautiful blush colored blanket to cuddle in while she watches TV and movies
Get my husband the one gift he wants.
For Christmas, I would like to give my family our wedding picture in a frame. We just got married in May!
Follow on pinterest: andisueks.
I want to buy my daughter a set of pots and pans.
Follow on twitter: @andisueks
I visited your fb page.
Visited and liked your FB page. Andrea Slagle, andisueks
I signed up for your newsletter.
I follow on instagram: andisueks.
I tweeted:
my husband wants a camera lens so i’d like to gift it to him
My kids everything they asked for
Pinterest lindamoffitt02
Facebook Linda Buzard-Moffitt
instagram lindamoffitt02
Twitter @LindaMoffitt02
I would like to get my boys a WiiU.
I’d like to give my mom a new cover for her iPad.
Followed you on Pinterst! Me=
I follow you on Pinterest as M. Marie Frye
I follow on Twitter as @Hoyeya
I’d love to get a WiiU for my granddaughter for Christmas!
I tweeted:
Instagram: hoyeya
Want to give my family heart felt gifts. I’m trying to make things this year!
Followed you on Pinterest:
I folIow you on FB as Danielle Porter
I followed you on Instagram as rqballporter
A crocheted item. I am making blankets for my brothers and their families
Followed on Pinterest themrspots
Follow on Twitter @The_Mrs_Pots
Visited FB Hannah Pothoven
Signed up for the newsletter!
visited on fb as debbiekaye.
newsletter subscriber as foukidsrgreat(at)gmail(dot)com
My facebook name is Irene Lirette
I would love to give my kids a nabi dreamtab
I’d love to get my daughter a new Iphone
I’d love to buy a ticket for my Husband to be with his family at Christmas- he’s never been with them during the holidays.
i want to get my daughter a telescope
I follow you on Pinterest here:
I follow you and I tweeted here:
facebook, I follow you and here is a comment:
I haven’t even started Christmas shopping. One thing comes to mind. I plan to get my in-law washcloths., I liked and commented on a post!
I subscribed! somesmartcookle at
I follow on pinterest: lovelyloo
I really need a new mattress!
I follow on twitter @Dunmore62 and pinterest at
I didn’t celebrate Christmas, and I hope I can give people although I’m not celebrating any events.
Pinterest name: Stella Martis (mystellamartis)
I want to give my husband an air purifer (he is on oxygen)
I follow on twitter @Dunmore62 and pinterest at
I would like to give my son a new tablet. The one he had broke.
would like to give me mom tickets to the theater, no idea what she would like though
I want to get my daughter a new cell phone!
Following on Pinterest – adarst213
Can’t wait to see my daughter open the infinity scarf i made her
I’m getting my hubs a sub to the Dollar Shave Club!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I follow you on Twitter @coriwestphal (
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I follow you on Pinterest: coriwestphal (
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I follow you on Instagram: coriwestphal (
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I would love to give my husband a new pair of good work boots! The ones he has are old and worn, he really deserves a new pair.
I would really love to get my daughter a laptop for Christmas im trying so hard to win giftcards towards it or win a laptop! This is an extremely difficult year for us but I’m hoping if I wnter enough contests something gotta give!!
I signed up for newsletter! My email is
Followed on Pinterest! My Pinterest name is Nicky Marie
Followed on Twitter my Twitter handle is @haileyannc02 and url of me following u
Want a chance to win up to $600 from some great bloggers? Enter this #giveaway to win! @dinade #win…
11:09pm – 12 Dec 14
Followed liked and commented on facebook my facebook is Nicky Marie
Followed Instagram liked and commented! My Instagram is nicky232807
I want to give my kids a great xmas!
I follow on pinterest: rebretta