I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Clearasil. I received product samples to facilitate my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
I have a teen, a tween and a 8 year old. We know all about acne at this point in my parenting career. We’ve done just about everything to try to improve it. We’ve found 5 Simple ways that will help improve acne in almost anyone.
1. Make sure they get enough sleep. Getting good sleep is so important for your body. Just like everything else even acne can improve with getting the right amount of sleep needed each and every night. For tweens the sweet spot is 9-10 hours of sleep. Help them by giving them a good bedtime routine to ensure they get into bed sooner.
2. Drink lots of water. Drinking water is a great way to flush out any toxins from your body and your skin. Try having your tween substitute water for the many sugary drinks that are ingested daily. Water is so good for your body. Encourage them to drink 8 glasses of water every day.
3. Wash your face twice a day. My son has been using Clearasil and washing his face twice a day. He had a few acne spots when we started. But once he began washing his face in the morning and at night it began to clear up. It worked like a charm.
4. Watch their diet and cut out the fatty greasy foods. Add in more salads and raw vegetables to their diet to ensure their acne flares are reduced.
5. Exercise your body! Make sure your teen and tween are getting plenty of exercise every day. Not only is it good for their mind and bodies it’s good for their acne.
When we started this process my son had started getting a few blemishes and lots of cute freckles. He used his Clearasil faithfully for 3 weeks and it’s improved and the blemishes are gone. He made use out of Hydra- Blast Oil-Free Face Wash. Clearasil® Daily Clear® Oil Free Daily Face Wash is dermatologist tested and helps reduce breakouts by up to 85% in just 4 weeks. The face wash is scientifically formulated with a moisturizing complex to leave your skin feeling soft and cared for. So you get clearer skin every day. My son is constantly on the go. Between karate, drama and his after school clubs he’s made time to wash his face twice a day for a total of 10 minutes time. If he can do it anyone can. I’m thankful that we were able to test out Clearasil and see how it reacted to my baby boy’s skin. He’s happier and more self confident and we are too. Make sure to check out our sponsors pages:
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I had horrible acne all throughout my teens and early twenties. Clearasil was one of the brands that I turned to to help combat it: it really is gentle on your skin. While my acne ended up being too much to treat with a topical medication (I ended up taking all sorts of pills and prescription creams before finally solving the problem with several rounds of Accutane), it’s a great line for people who are suffering from mild skin issues!
Ooo – I like that packaging from Clearasil..I love their new look. A Rapid Action product is perfect for those who are trying to get clearer skin for a special occasion! Drinking enough water is such a good tip for everyone. Despite knowing all of the benefits, I still lag behind in this department.
It’s so important to start looking after your skin when you’re young. My mother bought me some products from the Clearasil range when I was 13 and it really helped my skin from breaking out, I never had acne or many spots so I was blessed. Drinking plenty of water and getting a good nights sleep is so important too. It’s great that the products are working for your son and he’s feeling more confident.
I am an adult and I suffer from acne breakouts frequently. My issue is I find products that work but after using them for a while they stop working and then I am back to square one. I haven’t tried this brand since I was a teen so maybe it would work for my skin now.
With my son only 3, I don’t have to worry about this yet. But I know my time is coming! However, my husband could use some of these tips. He seems to be dealing a little with some adult acne. I don’t think he drinks enough water, and I think Clearasil would help. Thanks for the tips.
I still sometimes get acne as an adult and it’s horrible! It definitely happens when i’m not putting the right kind of food in my body.. and we’re either eating really unhealthy or traveling too much and changing climates. i def do not miss teen acne though! that was a rough period. i’m glad that it’s been working for your son! 🙂
I am very fortunate I do not and did not suffer from acne growing up but i understand the need to look after your skin growing up. My little sister and cousin have suffered from really bad acne for years and my sister recently started using clearasil which I must admit has worked wonders
Its funny, my girls were all over taking care of their skin but it is my son that has had a bit more problems with acne. I will encourage him to try the clearasil and get him into the habit of cleaning his face twice a day… and drinking more water.
I had friends who suffered from acne when we were in high school and now that I think of it, the ones that ate healthy food, excersised regularly and drank lots of water were the ones who had it under control. I notice that when I don’t take care of myself like that I sometimes get a bit of adult acne, at which point I also turn to Clearasil. Their product is amazing and does wonders to my skin.
Glad that cearasil worked for him! I’ve had a problem with acne over the years. But using this product never worked for me, I have yet found something that didn’t make my skin dry up or break out worst, i hate my skin.