Toilet Paper Tube Turkey Crafts
My daughter had so much fun with this super simple idea. She loves reusing things we already have around the house. She’s a child after my own heart. So we set out to craft a lot one day. And we got some cute crafts out of it. Here’s what you need to make this crafty turkey.
toilet paper tube
cut feathers out of different colors construction paper
hot glue
googly eyes
beak cut out of construction paper
ignore the bottle top in the picture (lol that’s a craft for another day)
Toilet Paper Turkey Craft Instructions
Write on the 5 or 6 feathers what you are thankful for in your life. Hot glue to toilet tube at the bottom. Make sure what you are thankful for shows. Turn the tube around and add eyes and beak to the front. You can tell she’s practicing her cursive handwriting here. Love 3rd graders! 🙂 Happy Crafting. What will you be crafting to keep the kids busy this Thanksgiving? Need some more ideas? Check out the ones below.
Cute and Easy Turkey Craft, Thanksgiving Turkey magnet kids craft, how to roast the perfect turkey, 8 ways to prepare for Thanksgiving Dinner, Slow Cooker Sides for Thanksgiving, 15 beautiful Thanksgiving Centerpieces, Cranberry sauce so easy to make, and a Toilet Paper Turkey Craft.
That is cute and a great idea! My kids will love this.
What a cute craft to make with my grand kids for Thanksgiving. We will have lots of fun making this cute turkeys
This is adorable! Your daughter did a fantastic job. I will certainly use this at Thanksgiving time at my house this year… the kids will enjoy making these for place settings! Thank you!