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5 Healthy Oral Habits to Begin Early
When you think about oral care what do you remember? I remember my dad taking his teeth out. I remember wondering what happened to his teeth. As a mom I want my children to keep their teeth. I don’t want to know that they had to have them removed and are wearing dentures. I realize that not everyone can help whether they have to wear dentures or not. Sometimes it’s genetic and not about oral health. Sometimes there’s nothing that can be done and some people are just going to lose their teeth. But if I have a choice I’d prefer if my children were able to keep their teeth. For that reason I am faithful in asking and reminding my kids to brush their teeth and floss everyday. I want them to keep their teeth as long as possible. I want them to never need the option to have their teeth removed. There’s only one way to do that. I have to begin these 5 healthy oral habits and begin them early!
So here’s my list of 5 Healthy Oral Habits!
1. Be vigilant and have your kids brush their teeth 2x a day. Once in the morning and once after dinner. I brush after dinner so that I won’t eat again before bed. Good habit to start early.
2. Make sure they use LISTERINE COOL MINT FLOSS once a day. Flossing is key to keeping between your teeth clean. It is the best way to get food out of nooks and crannies don’t forget to floss.
3. After breakfast and before leaving for school they can use LISTERINE SMART RINSE and feel good about their breath while at school.
4. Cut back on sugars that the kids eat during the day. Believe it or not cutting back on something as simple as soda, candy, etc will help cut cavities that your children get.
5. Encourage and praise them as they are brushing, flossing and using their A little encouragement can help them understand the importance of brushing.
When you do these 5 things you are a hero to your children. By encouraging heroic habits your children will hopefully keep their teeth clean and keep them for their life. Let’s try our best to make dentures a thing of the past! We have incorporated all of these habits in the last month. My children are my top priority. I hope that they remember what I’ve taught them as they go out into this world and keep these habits with them when I’m not around. That’s the goal! How do you instill healthy oral habits in your children?
I love Listerine products. They are awesome. I am so anal about my mouth care, I only wish my husband was as well. Stubborn fart. lol