Businesses that have a rich heritage often tout this in marketing campaigns. This is because companies that have existed for centuries or decades are considered to be much more reliable and trustworthy than newly formed businesses. Naturally, consumers believe that only high-quality products and services are offered by any enterprise that has withstood the test of time.
Some companies choose to give brief history lessons in modern advertisements. In less than a minute, it is possible to create an impressive visual presentation that emphasizes traditions, heritage, culture and success throughout the years. For example, actors in advertisements might wear apparel and other accessories that were popular at the time a company was founded. Of course, the settings in a commercial should also reflect the original location of a company’s first operations. Companies often try to use real actors and models to present historical lessons in an advertisement. The human element that is not necessarily present in computer animation makes a strong impression on customers.
Politics rarely find their way into advertisements of products or services. However, some companies emphasize certain political events when creating marketing campaigns based on history. For instance, a business might brag about surviving wars, revolutions and natural disasters that affected original headquarters and production facilities. Additionally, it’s quite popular for businesses to boast about surviving major economic hardships. Most United States companies that have been in business since before the Great Depression are considered to be resilient and innovative.
Rum companies use their own history very effectively when launching advertisements. Established in the Caribbean islands during the 18th and 19th centuries, the world’s most successful rum producers have undergone tremendous changes. Some of these companies are still family-owned after so many years. Such status is often emphasized in marketing campaigns that focus on tradition and heritage. Several rum companies still retain the last names of the original founders. There is truly something special in paying tribute to entrepreneurs who have built companies that have thrived beyond their lifetime. A company like Bacardi Cuba and other enterprises are examples of rum distilleries that have been in operation since the middle of the 19th century.
Fictional characters might be used to clearly highlight certain historical periods. For example, some rum companies often choose to use pirates who have navigated the Caribbean seas during the exploration of the New World. When the average consumer sees a pirate, there is an immediate association with colonial times in settings such as the Caribbean region and the North American Atlantic Coast.
Although a company might have a heritage that spans generations, its name might have changed. Tough economic times often force businesses to merge. Yet, the legacy of a once-successful enterprise might live on for for many years even if the name of the company has changed. Some products and services of certain businesses have become so popular that they’ve even made their way into colloquial phrases.
In modern advertisements, some relatively unknown companies try to highlight their original names that were considered to be much more popular back in the day. Historical-based marketing can surely be a powerful branding tool in a competitive global economy.
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