Signed up for gymnastics now what do I need?
First of all do not buy anything special for your gymnastics trial period. Make sure your child is going to love gymnastics before you go around spending money on getting them gymnastic items. After your trial period then you can worry about what all they might need. For their trial period they need they’re own shorts and a tee shirt. They can tuck the tee shirt in while they are on their trial period. This will keep the shirt from riding up. If they are enjoying their trial period and you are going to continue you will need to get leos (leotards). I get mine at two places. Academy first because theirs are most like gymnast leotards (which are different from ballet or dance leotards). You can get the type with the built in shorts if that’s what they want. I’d also recommend getting one leotard just plain. The ones at Academy are simple and yet functional and will last you the year or so you’re going to want to get out of them. You can also get them at Target. Although most of theirs seem to be more dance related.
Leos and bare feet… that’s about it!
That’s about all they are going to need. They don’t need anything fancy to start gymnastics. Shorts, shirts, leotards and that’s it. They will go out on the floor without shoes on. So no special shoes are required. My daughter is in her 3rd year of gymnastics and is loving competing. She takes 3 hours a week and amazes me each and every day. I love to watch her on the bars and on the floor. It’s so fun to see a child love what they do. My son takes tumbling and he does enjoy that too. It’s great exercise for boys and girls and will give them muscle memory to last a lifetime. I’d highly recommend gymnastics if you’re child is showing an interest. It will raise their self esteem and give them a sense of accomplishment! So what are you waiting for? Sign them up!
Walmart is also carrying leotards now that are for gymnastics and not just dance. They are a cheap route to go till you know your child really plans to continue. I too have one in gymnastics and she loves it.
thanks Bippy. I was just there and had no idea they were carrying leos now!