This discussion sponsored by Bing. Thank you for letting me share in your #adfreesearch initiative!
Technology usage and the ad free search with Bing
We have this discussion about technology a lot at our home. How much is too much? Should we allow them to be able to search freely? There are so many devices now that it seems impossible to monitor every thing that they are doing. They even have internet at their schools. I’m so glad they do. I know as a teacher I wanted to be able to access some of the videos and things that went with the unit I was teaching. But as a teacher and a mom it also worries me. I love what Bing is now doing for our classrooms. They are making their searches in the schools ad free. So no one is marketing to our children while they are trying to learn. To me that is a wonderful thing. Their ad free search allows them to concentrate on what they are learning and doesn’t distract them from their studies. Bing’s ad free search makes learning at school fun and an ad free searchable internet with strict filters so nothing unseemly gets through and great privacy controls. That’s a good thing!
We’ve made it even easier for people to support the schools they care about. Our popular Bing Rewards program enables people to earn credits towards Surface tablets for a school of their choice simply by signing up and searching with Bing. Now we are making it easier to see how many Rewards credits an individual school has earned. You can search for any school by ZIP code and see how many other people are contributing, how many Surface tablets the school has earned so far, and how many credits are needed to earn the next Surface. And we’ll also tell you if the school is registered for the search enhancements, so you can know if your kids are receiving ad-free, safer, more private search in the classroom when they choose Bing.
Anyone can earn credits just by searching the web with Bing—similar to a frequent flyer program. Credits can be donated to help get free Microsoft Surface tablets for schools. It’s easy! All you have to do is stay signed in as you search with Bing.
To begin supporting schools with Bing rewards, simply visit the campaign landing page and select “Find your school” map in the lower right corner of the page.
Next, enter your school’s zip code and select the name of your school via the dropdown menu and select “Find”.
From here, select the “Support Your School” section and click on the “Try it now, FREE!” section. You’ll be prompted to create a Microsoft account, or sign in with your Facebook account. All you have to do is stay signed in as you search with Bing to earn credits.
Have you heard about Bing’s ad free search before now?
Check out the video below and see what Jenna Bush-Hagar has to say about Bings ad free search.
Thank you Bing
Thank you to Bing and their ad free searches in the classroom.
It makes a mama’s mind at ease. Especially when I consider the fact that I have an 8 year old, 11 year old and a 17 year old student at these schools learning from computers in their classrooms! What about you do you worry about your kids and technology either at school or home? It’s always something to worry about with kids. Leave me a comment and tell me about how you feel!
I never knew that Bing was ad free. Thank goodness it is because I would hate for my children to see spammy advertisement!
I think a safe search is a great idea. Let kids use the computers without worrying about inappropriate ads or content!
This is a great idea, and it sure sounds like all schools should have this. It’s nice that settings can be changed to customize the school’s/student’s needs!
I think it’s so great that Bing is doing ad free searches. You never know what kind of ads are going to pop up. So great for schools!
Robin (Masshole Mommy)
I don’t think my kids school uses bing, but it sounds like bing is a great option for learning purposes.
Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious?
This is such a great idea. We have just started using the computer with the kids at home, so I will have to make sure they are doing things safely.
Janeane Davis
I think it is wonderful that Bing offers an ad free version for school students. It will help kids keep their minds on their school work instead of advertised products.
Lindsey @ Redhead Baby Mama
THis is a perfect way to keep kid on task in schools. Especially middle and high school!
valmg @ Mom Knows It All
I love that this program helps schools earn tablets! That’s terrific!
Jenn @ The Rebel Chick
The Bing classroom filters sound like an important and valuable tool! I like the sound of the rewards program.
I love that Bing is ad free. Kids need to spend more time on education, less on looking at all the flashy “buy me, buy me!” junk that’s splashed all over other search engines!
Good to know there is an ad free search with Bing. I will keep it in mind for sure, esp for the grandkids.
I absolutely love this initiative! I will be trying to help my son’s school!
Tracey Tabone
What a great initiative !I didn’t know about the ad free search with Bing either!
I think that is awesome and I may use it at home even if I don’t home school. Thanks!!
Carly Bellard
We have not tried Bing yet. It scares me what pops up in the google suggestions as I am typing in a search subject!
sounds like it would work to keep kids on task. loving the ad free search
Some of the ads that come through on things are sketchy. Even on my blog I’ve had things slip through I didn’t like (even with filters). I’m really happy with Bing for making an ad free search available to the kids!
Virginia Higgins
I am so excited about this initiative. Our kids should have #adfreesearch so we can have #peaceofmind!
I was wondering about this. My oldest’s classroom uses computers every day.
What a great program!! I absolutely despise ads. They can lead kids in the wrong directions
I really enjoy using BING at home. My daughter uses it frequently to browse through photos of animals and things she is curious about.
I have a daughter in middle school and they are using the computer so much these days. I often worry about the ads. I worry about them at home too. I see the ads I run in to and I am glad that bing is doing this for schools!
Melissa Coleman
Though my daughter is only allowed on certain learning sites at school I think a safe search idea is great.
I love that Bing is partnering up with schools. I worry about the ads that my daughter will come across – especially those that lead to malware or purchases!
This is a great classroom tool! No distractions when the kids use technology
I love that kids are getting more access to technology in school, but I know it comes with problems. I like the idea of Bing’s ad free search!
jennifer zuna
thats great, i never knew that about Bing…my 8 year old is always on the computer!
Ashley M
I think it’s good to be concerned – it keeps parents aware. However, I am a HUGE proponenet of children and technology.
Amanda Love ~ Growing Up Madison
I’ve never heard of this before now to be honest. I actually very rarely use Bing which could be another reason.
I hadn’t heard of the ad free program for schools, but I am very excited about it. I also love the program to earn tablets for your school just by searching with Bing.
WOW – that is ood to know and W2G Bing!
Jenna Wood
I’m always looking for ways to take ads out of my daily activities online, and if Bing will support schools, while doing that, all the better!
Shelley Zurek
I am 100% behind this and I voted! Couldn’t agree more. I signed up to (on another bloggers article).
I didn’t know about this. I think it’s wonderful that it’s available to schools – kids need to be able to get information somewhere without being bombarded with ads!
Ellen Christian (@ellenblogs)
This is so important. I am very glad they are doing this!
Amber Ortega
Great idea! I had no idea…I think this is a wonderful thing to have available in schools!
Dee Dee (@MissFoodieFab)
What a cutie patootie child.