When Earth Day rolls around I’m always struggling to find things to inform you of. This year I thought I would just share the things I do to reuse items around my own house. If at all possible I try not to buy new and do reuse. Check out these 5 items I reuse over and over again.
5 Items you can Reuse Over and Over again
1. Wool Dryer Balls to stop static and make your laundry softer. These are so worth the investment. I have a set I’ve used for over a year and they are continuing to get used almost daily. Just throw in some aluminum foil as a static cling stopper and you are good to go. You can find wool dryer balls here. Woolzies, Wool Dryer Ball, set of 6 ,Natural Fabric Softener I did a review on them too. You can read my Woolzies review here.
2. We turned our gas grill that broke and was going to cost about as much as a new one was into a charcoal grill. We’ve gotten tons of use out of it since we did. I can budget for charcoal a lot easier than I can budget for gas. Have you turned something you had into something else?
3. Our outdoor table and chairs is over 15 years old. The cushions started showing their wear about 3 years ago. I began scouring clearance at the local home improvement stores until I scored 4 new cushions for $8 bucks a piece. Bargain. I love our table and chairs and am happy to be able to reuse them over and over again.
4. My daughter turned her daddy’s medicine box (it gets mailed to us monthly) into a dirty clothes hamper. Ok, so her clothes are small and once it’s full she probably has a weeks worth in there. But I loved her creativity. I support this type of reusing 100%. How smart is she? I turned one of those boxes into a light box for my blogging. We are nothing if not resourceful!
5. My daughter has been saving water bottles. I don’t normally buy bottled water. We have it through our fridge door and it tastes great. If I need water I grab it from there. But we were going on vacation so I bought some so that we wouldn’t drink a lot of soda. She plans on turning them into a project that will hang like a chandelier in her room. All we have to do is cut them and paint it. Then hang it in her room. She’s so excited to make this project. I’ll be sure to show you it when we are done.
Share with me 5 items you reuse in your home in a comment!
Happy Earth day friends. Be sure you do your part in the reusing, recycling and reducing process. It’s a small sacrifice to make for our only planet that we live on.
Check out my other Earth Day posts and ways to help the Earth. You can find 10 activities that you can do with kids to help the Earth or 5 ways to reuse items in your home over. This ones really important it’s 3 chemicals to get out of your house immediately. Or have you read 10 little things you can do to be a tiny bit greener! And let’s not forget going green while on vacation.
Actually, I reuse (over and over again!) emptied margarine and other types of tubs for leftovers and mark them each time. We recycle cans and plastic bottles (soda ones usually) for cash(gas money); I wash and reuse the Ziplock type baggies until they get to be broken and then I give them back to the City for recycling purposes. I tend to keep and reuse plastic wrap until it’s no longer useable, then that gets put into the City recycling bin. And I also reuse aluminum foil in until it’s ruined, then it also goes back to the City for recycling. Oh, and the salad dressing ( the plastic ones) jars I keep and reuse.
great tips to get the most out of items in your home. Thank you Laurel!