This post brought to you by Zubie. All opinions are 100% mine.
Zubie is this great wireless service that can monitor your teens driving habits and help you or your family member remember to take care of the car like changing the oil. It would make the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. My teenager sometimes needs to have that gentle reminder to get things done with his car. Zubie is also great because I can see some of the things that he needs to change about his newly learned driving skills. And having a teenager that really excites me. It means I am able to monitor his driving habits when before I had no way to monitor them. This is such a great feature for moms like me! They are currently having a great sale with SAVE20FEB and SAVE 20% with a Zubie key and one year of service. Hurry though because the offer is good through March 31, 2014 and shipping charges apply.
The way this works is through your Android or IOS phone and a Zubie key. This then will track your car’s overall health and how that special someone is driving. Do they brake hard, accelerate too quickly, or maybe you simply need to know where they are located at during that moment in time. It’s a breath of fresh air for those of us with teens learning to drive! Zubie totally takes the guesswork out of are they broken down somewhere. Make sure you check out Zubie on Facebook, on Twitter like and follow them and be sure to watch the say Hi to Zubie video below to see how it all works!
I’m thinking I could definitely use Zubie in my life thanks for sharing the information.
This is the second time I’ve heard of this company. I think I may need to check it out myself.
I have never heard of this. I will have to check it out!