I’m going to start making small goals that are accomplishable before the month is out. For instance this month I’m going to focus on all things in my Kitchen. Here’s my goals for that room.
Kitchen Goals
1. Get rid of clutter spots.
2. clean out the hutch and get rid of anything that has not been used in a year.
3. Clean out my silverware drawer and wipe it down.
Green Kitchen Goals
1. Cut down on trash by recycling more.
2. Taking my reusable bags into the store with me each and every time.
3. Make more items from scratch instead of buying prepackaged.
Weight Loss Goals and Challenges
1. Complete one challenge a month. This month I’m working on this exercise challenge and to make it better my hubby said he’d do it with me. We’ve done 3 days of this so far and it’s quick but my body is telling me I’ve worked out!
2. Lose 4 lbs this month…minimum!
3. Cut my carbs back.
Check out what my friends are doing!
Melissa is talking about thebenefits of a halogen oven on Melissa Say What.
Melissa is talking about freeing yourself from money mistakes over at Oh Wholly Life.
Savannah is talking about her New Years Resolutions on The Simply Me Blog.
April from Saving for My Family is talking about her new years resolutions.
Crystal at the Pretty Kitty Blog is talking about her New Year’s Resolutions.
Ashley at Parsominous Pash talks about her goals for ringing in the New Year.
Sara at Sweet Silly Sara is ringing in her New Year’s Resolutions too.
Check out what my friends are up to and link up and tell us what your blog is up too.
Challenging myself to meet short term goals every month this year too. January is cleaning out some clutter in different places around the house. Good Luck on your goals!!!
I had to giggle when I read this **2. Taking my reusable bags into the store with me each and every time.**
I am so guilty of this! And every time I forget that I swear I’m going home and putting them in the back of my car so next time I don’t forget…. I been swearing this to myself for over a year now. I’m not glad to see someone else is the same, but I feel a bit better knowing I”m not the only one who forgets them 🙂
For my 2014 I tried to make small goals and split them up so that they are do-able. If something is to big or will take to long I always get discouraged and give up.
Ugh I know right? It’s so frustrating to want to do the right thing and forget them
79oh who am I kidding 90% of the time. 🙂you have made some great goals. I am trying to lose weight also. I like you green kitchen goals I am bad at remembering the reusable bags I need to get better with that