Bloggers Connect with Brands Join Markerly
Are you a blogger who’s just getting started? Need to know where are the places the “BIG” bloggers go? Make sure you join up with Markerly. Yes, they’re new but they are on their way and have a great start already. I know a few bloggers who have used them many times for sponsored content and posts and they have earned their trust and have received their payment within 48 hours of their post going up. I know it’s hard to go with someone new but when I hear about all the other bloggers who’ve gotten paid for their sponsored content then I know that that is where I want to be!
Here’s what Markerly can do for you.
They do more then just connect you with brands like Levi’s to name one. They give you 24/7 support. They show you what gets the most clicks in your posts and can help you improve the rest. See the above image is that bloggers hot spots. I’d personally love to know what gets the most clicks so I can work on the other areas. Markerly is very focused on quality blogs with great pageviews (over 10000 per month) and high engagement. This means they are going to get quality brands that will want to work with them! I love to write sponsored content and Markerly is going to get me that!
So to sum up: Markerly gets great sponsored content and quality blogs to work with brands.
If you think you are ready to join then click this Markerly link and go sign up! If you’re not yet sure then make time to check out what the press has to say about Markerly. I love writing posts about crafts and recipes but that doesn’t pay my bills if you know what I mean. Being able to count on a company like Markerly to help me meet my financial goals helps my family out so much. Being able to write influencer marketing pieces that are relevant and for todays consumers helps me make my blog more marketable too. Thank you Markerly for allowing me to work at home while my kids are home on this holiday. Your trust in my blog and my readership helps me build up my followers. Then I get to tell them about my trust in you! Make sure you check out Markerly if you are a blogger or are even just thinking about becoming one! You will not be sorry you did!
Sounds like a great place for bloggers!
Wow- I’ll have to check this out. It sounds like a wonderful way for bloggers to connect with brands.