This article brought to you by Repreve.
What is Repreve? Maybe you’ve not been introduced to it yet. Let me introduce you!
Repreve is giving our Earth a reprieve (get it?).
It’s a recycled fiber that is used to make other recycled products. They take water bottles, as one example, to make their recycled fiber. It’s a certifiably sustainable fiber too. I love that. Being kind and aware to the Earth is so important to me. I don’t buy bottled water often. Usually just when we go to the beach, I make do with water out of my fridge. It’s a win/win. It’s free and it tastes great and uses no materials other then the cups I have to drink out of. Repreve is a publicly traded company, under Unifi, that uses recycled fibers trusted by known brands to make and distribute products that are truly sustainable. I love this company!
Click here to find out what products Repreve is in?
It’s in fleece pullovers (NorthFace), Ford vehicles, khaki pants (Haggar), blue jeans, socks, scrubs and even (Chica) bags and purses. They’ve even found a way to put Repreve into lovely sweet beanies for kids and adults alike. I’d love for you to visit Repreve and leave me a comment telling me different ways you #turnitgreen. One thing I did was I cloth diapered my babies. If we all did one thing to tread lighter on this Earth we’ve been given it would help us all out in the end. What’s your one thing you can do?
wow it sounds like Repreve is in a lot of different items.
This is great, I have not heard of Repreve! Thanks for sharing.
Oh I love finding other cloth diapering people! Of course it’s been many years (my oldest is 18)…. I am a fellow “REPREVE-r” and came by to share some love. Wishing you a Green Christmas (or holiday).
Thanks for stopping by Kim. I’m off to check your blog out too. My babies are older and I miss those days!
Good to know of the amazing advances people are making to be more earth-smart.
I had no idea! Thanks for sharing. I pinned it
great post! I like the pictures. We recycle too.
I didn’t realize all of things that can be made using recycled products. We recycle all of the time.
Wow! That’s a first time I hear about it! Thanks for sharing!
I never heard of Repreve before and had no clue their recycled products were in so many different things!
My family always recycles I have several bins on my porch so we can keep it all separated 🙂
had never heard of Repreve thanks for the info:) Never knew how much recycled items were made with Repreve
I have never heard of Repreve before and didn’t know of all the things recycled. I will have to check them out.
I had never heard of Repreve before. Thanks for the information and will check their site.
Wow. This is all news to me … I’ll have to check into it more! Thank you for the lesson …. I am all about keeping it green.
We definitely need to pick up on our recycling – we attempt to do it here but it’s hard to be consistent with our gang. 😉 I hadn’t heard of Repreve – neat idea
This is so cool! I love the idea to do good products using recycled materials!
I have never heard of this before, and plan on looking more into it! Thanks for sharing!