I received compensation to write this review of Teespring products. This review is 100% my honest opinion.
I’m a mom of 3. We adopted our last baby from Korea. I would have loved to have known about this site when we were going through the adoption process. We didn’t raise money and I so wish we had done more fundraising. Teespring allows you to do fundraising by making stylish, high quality shirts with your design. You can then share it on any social media, Facebook, twitter, pinterest, etc. Any profits from tees bought goes straight to your fundraising efforts! You could even treat this as a part time way to make extra money. Part time income, fundraising for adoptions, fundraising for relief, whatever you can think of you can make a shirt for.
Check out the shirt I made at Teespring. I’m raising funds for a local non profit that rescues young girls and boys off the street who have been trafficked. What a great company Oneless is. So excited to fundraise for them. So check out my shirt and if you like it buy it with the knowledge that the money raised goes to rescue kids from sex trafficking. Looking for a great way to make money watch the teespring youtube video and get started making your own shirts.
I received compensation to write this review of Teespring products. This review is 100% my honest opinion.
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