Weight loss is a process. It’s a long arduous journey. But It’s one I’m in for. We had a nice family vacation last weekend. With all that eating out I managed to gain 3 pounds. But within 2 days of being home and eating at home I took it off. Here’s my scale showing you what I did this week.
Love my scale with the big dial. You can get the scale here:
That puts me at a .2 lb weight loss after being out of town from Thurs to Sun and eating out every meal. I’ll take it!!
My splurge weekend is over so it’s diet, exercise and losing weight! I’m ready. I’m so excited to have hit my first 50 miles of walking badge. That makes me happy. I love meeting with my friends every day and working out with them. Most of us work at home and are alone while we work. So walking and exercising with them is like meeting with my co-workers. It gives us some girl time and we are getting healthy while we are doing it. Love it and my friends. Let’s do this! Who’s with me? You can friend me on my fitbit and keep each other accountable here’s my fitbit profile. Look me up! Follow me on instagram or follow my journey on my weight loss pinterest boards.
Here’s my first post that talks about the online gym and weight loss program.What have you done this week that you are proud of? Even your smallest accomplishments are things to be savored and shouted from the rooftops. Let’s hear them! How has your week gone? Are you accomplishing any goals? Share them with me in a comment!
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