Campus Book Rentals has it going on. They not only sponsored my backpack and school supplies donation but they also donate a portion of their sales to Operation Smile. Operation Smile has the honor of doing good work to help children get their smiles back. I’m not sure you could find a more worthy cause. In addition to saving us money by offering textbooks as rentals instead of purchasing them, they also have a Rentback program. What does that mean? That means that when you have already bought a textbook to use during your class you can ship it to them and let them rent it out for you. You’ll make 2-4x what you paid for it. Why not get paid for books you have lying around not being used. Then you get paid once that book gets rented. What a deal? Save money, make money and a portion of it goes to a good cause? I’m sold. I have a junior in high school so you can bet that I’ll be using Campus Book Rentals once he is ready to go to college. That will happen before I know it. Let’s look at some benefits of using Campus Book Rentals.
-save 40-90% off of bookstore prices
-free shipping both ways
-can highlight in the textbooks
-flexible renting periods
-donate to Operation Smile with each textbook rented
Want more information? Watch the video below and learn more about Rentback. RentBack:
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