Red Bubble Shirt Review and Giveaway
First of all let me just say that this shirt is so awesome. I love the material and the sayings that are on it. It makes me happy and I’m constantly washing it so I can wear it again. There, now you know how sad I really am. It’s soft, wearable and fits me great. It didn’t come with that horrible new shirt smell that you sometimes get. It smelled like cotton and that’s it. Wonderful!
The one down side to this shirt is that it’s hard to read the Keep Calm and Carry On. But the upside is that you can read the Run! Zombies are coming!!! Heehee. This shirt just makes me happy. You can visit Red Bubble and get great shirts for teens and tweens. You won’t be disappointed in their selection. The shirt came with instructions that you have to read. One of the rules of taking care of the shirt was no slapping pandas. That made me laugh out loud! Just enter the giveaway tools below and enter to win one of your own! Good luck!
I had never heard of this but I know my students will love it they love Zombies
love the saying Keep Calm and Carry On! cool shirt 🙂
I love the batman shirt
I like the Dandylion Flight white silhouette shirt.
Oh goodness there are so many! I love the zombie one you have and all the heisenburg shirts! I’m sure I’d have to let my boyfriend pick if I won. I can’t show him now, cause if I don’t win, I’ll have to buy it! lol
lol My dh and kids thought they should have gotten the shirt. I was like uh, no all mine! Mine!!! 🙂 LOL I put myself last all the time I put myself first for one of their shirts. 🙂
would choose the You Can’t Take The Sky tee.
I like the flying high, it has feather prints on it! 🙂
I like the “PAWS” shirt.
Thanks for the chance.
I actually really like the zombies shirt that you’re wearing. I also like their Breaking Bad shirts especially Mad Stacks Yo. Too funny.
Pokemon with mustache and a lot of the others too….wow so many to choose from.
The Cookie Monster pac man!
I like the All You need Is Love shirt! I love the beatles!
I like the Jesse & Mr White shirt
the potter time shirt made me smile!! 🙂 i’d get that
Oh my goodness, I need the Minions have the Phonebox t-shirt!! I LOVE Doctor Who and Despicable Me is by far my favorite kids movie! T-shirt heaven!!
I like the Na Na Na… Batman shirt.
I love this one “Me? Crazy? I should get down off this unicorn and slap you!”
I love this Geek CoExist one:
If I win, I would like the DISNEY LESSONS LEARNED (WHITE) t-shirt in the color black and in size 2XL.
I love The Beagles shirt. My son would love it! : )
fave: The Furrlowship of the Ring
The batman one but I could change my mind IHO Breaking Bad
my husband and son are counting the day for the zomibes to return to tv. so I would pick Flatbush Zombies
I’d get one of the Calvin & Hobbes Tshirts, I can’t narrow it down yet!
Keep Calm I’m The Doctor! My sister is sooooo into doctor who.
i would pick the yoda with headphones tee
I would choose the Water Electricity Earth Fire
How cute are all these shirts…As a gamer I LOVE the geek section. Really its hard to just pick one but this one is super cute
I had never heard of this company, but they have some of the coolest T shirts I have ever seen.
Oh, and I would get the Dragon Fight or Cannibal t-shirt.
worlds greatest grandpa
I would love this one! Skulls are for Pussies t shirt.
I would love to get their Los Pollos Hermanos tshirt.
I would love the 10th flag shirt.
Abercrombie & Quidditch Harry Potter Shirt – excellent 🙂
They have tons i cant choose only 1 but if i were to choose 1 it would be the California
by kush-tee
I’d absolutely get the Let’s Cook Tee! Awesome!
coriwestphal at msn dot com
I like the “PAWS” shirt. 🙂
I like the Punk Alice Tee shirt.
I like the Tea Time shirt.
i would get the Heisenberg by bomdesignz
I’d love the Octo T. (!
I would like the Keep Calm And Kill Zombies for my son.