Snaptastic. So I’ve been weighing in faithfully once a week. I weighed in today and am up a pound. My kids are in school and my friends and I have been visiting the gym faithfully 3-4 times per week. We walk an average of 3.3 miles in an hour and burn 1000 calories each time we go. I love seeing them every morning! It’s a great way to begin my day. I don’t know about you but I always drink more water when I work out as opposed to when I don’t work out. So even my water intake goes up when I see my friends.
Well I guess I put it off long enough. Here’s my number!
As you can see from last weeks weigh in blog post number I’m up a pound. But after working out hard 3 days (or was it 4? can’t remember) last week I’m ok with that. I want it to go back the other direction and it will. I’m not stressing over the number that’s for sure. I know as I’m working out I’m building muscle and toning up. Muscle weighs more then fat and it will begin going down again. What I did right last week: working out with my friends, had a great date night and got what I wanted but ate until I was full and stopped. I definitely ate out more then I’m used to last week and this week I’ve not eaten out but 1 time. So next week should be better. Let’s see what happens. How’s your weight loss journey coming? I’d love for you to share it with me in a comment.
Here’s my first post that talks about the online gym and weight loss program.What have you done this week that you are proud of? Even your smallest accomplishments are things to be savored and shouted from the rooftops. Let’s hear them! How has your week gone? Are you accomplishing any goals? Share them with me in a comment!
Congrats on your enthusiasm, it is never easy.. especially exercising
It’s not easy. But I have got to do it! I want to be here for a long time for my kids. 🙂
I try not to step on the scales too much. I like to go by how I feel & my clothing will tell me how I’m doing.
sounds like you are doing great. My weight fluctuates by 3 lbs. I try not to weight myself to much. I do exercise at least 3 x a week.