School started back this week. We are already having that rush to get out the door on time and get to all our various places we need to be! For me once I drop the kids at school I go on to the gym and get my workout for the day done. It helps me so much if I can get a routine at night and in the morning down. This just makes my life so much simpler. So I thought I’d share our routines with you. Here’s hoping it may help your family get out the door as well.
1. The kids shower the night before. I just don’t have the time to donate to getting up an hour early to get everyone showered for school!
2. The kids lay out the clothes they are going to wear and show them to me. This is done the night before also. That way there’s no last minute running around to find something to wear. This step alones saves my sanity!
3. Lunches are made as soon as dinner is finished. Then stored in the refrigerator for the next morning. My kids seem to feel a sense of satisfaction and confidence by something as simple as being independent and making their own lunch. Let them do it and you monitor what they make!
4. As soon as my kids get home they get their homework finished. I have a child with ADD and it helps him that I monitor his work and make sure it makes it into the right folder in the notebook and then to the backpack. Otherwise we’d be homeworkless the next day!
5. They practice their musical instruments that afternoon as well. We have a packed and busy day on school days. We also have gymnastics, basketball and many other items in between that we all have to do so planning and being organized is the only way I survive!
Mornings are so crazy. No one wants to get up and get moving. If you can make breakfast the night before that would be even better! What tips can you share with me about getting ready and out the door in the morning? I’d love to hear them in a comment!
Great tips Dina! We do alot of stuff the night before too. My tip is to make a drop zone for backpacks and nobody goes to bed if their backpack isn’t there and checked for all required papers, etc. Have a happy, sane first week back to school!
That’s so true Linda. I have a backpack hanger on my hallway door that the kids hang their backpacks and binders on. Great tips. How’s your week been this week with the girls back in school! I’ve gotten more done this week then ever! lol Well, not blogwise so much but personally! 🙂