I personally did both because I wasn’t sure which one I would like best. With Feedly you just need to make sure you are logged into your google account. Then open feedly.com in another tab and it will ask you if you want to log in and import your google reader subscriptions. Click yes and yes to allow it access to your google account and you are almost done. Then let the information load give it a minute or two and then all your feeds will be there in your reader. It looks pretty cool and similar to the google reader. I think we’ll like this just fine. If you need to switch readers you need to do it today. Tomorrow Google REader is no more. I don’t want to lose you or see you go! So stay and let’s chat!
With bloglovin you can go to my site, My UnEntitled Life and follow the bloglovin on the right hand sidebar about halfway down. I like this one as well. But this one will not import all your subscriptions. But you can then follow all the blogs you love that have the bloglovin app listed. It’s another great way to follow. I’m personally sorry to see Google Reader go but go it must. So I’m excited to see what these two feed readers do for us instead.
Let me know which way you go and if you like it as well as the other one. Have a great week friends.
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